Does this post process work?


TPF Noob!
Sep 8, 2010
Reaction score
Binghamton, NY
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
Can't decide if this post process work or not. 1 sec I like it, 2nd sec something seems off about it. Thoughts?

for me it doesnt work...seems like the image is trying to go in two different directions
Hmmm... no, sorry, doesn't really work for me. It's interesting, but not something I'd want to put on my wall.
you desat the sky only? Yeah, doesnt work for me either.
If it were not for the abrupt cut like line between sky and earth I would love it. But the lighting don't match after initial appeal so it loses it's luster. i.e. the shadows of the clouds don't match the lighting on the ground.
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Don't like it, sorry.
It's okay....not especially great, but you know, okay for that scene.
To my mind, it's not ok. Doesn't work with a landscape photo of the kind. If you go for colour photography, you should go all the way.
Or convert it to b&w all together.
Just my thoughts.
I'm sure its a great shot in its original format. Whats unappealing is the coloring differential between the sky and the landscape.

You should maybe create two versions of it. One in B&W and another one with original colors enhanced. That'll help you decide which direction you'd like to take with it. :cheer:
Food for thought~
Yea, I was trying to be different. I get tired of seeing the same type of pictures over and over again. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Thanks for the feedback.
I like it, it is interesting. But, seems like the sky and the foreground are not connect.

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