Darkroom printing


TPF Noob!
Sep 23, 2019
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Does the enlarging paper have anything to do with enlarging time. For example I used f/8 at 6 seconds with filter #3 on ilford glossy paper can i use same settings on ilford satin paper if i dont touch the enlarger?
If the paper is the same grade, yes.
I was thinking the same thing. Great minds... ??

You might want to recheck the focus, with the grain scope, because I found moving things around enough could sometimes cause an image to be slightly out of focus.
Now is there a faster way to focus the enlarger. Every single time I get the image in focus it ****s up the the size of the image. Any way to mitigate that or make the process faster and more seamless.
Paper does actually have an ISO as it is a light sensitive material like film ... and varies with filter.

If it is the same type of paper, just different surface ... it should be the same.

Check out the datasheet: https://www.ilfordphoto.com/amfile/file/download/file/1949/product/743/
so the enlarger setting depends on the negative itself not the paper does this also mean that i can make the image even bigger lets say going from 2.5x3.5 to 5x7 or even 8x10 without changing the settings
Paper does actually have an ISO as it is a light sensitive material like film ... and varies with filter.

If it is the same type of paper, just different surface ... it should be the same.

Check out the datasheet: https://www.ilfordphoto.com/amfile/file/download/file/1949/product/743/
so the enlarger setting depends on the negative itself not the paper does this also mean that i can make the image even bigger lets say going from 2.5x3.5 to 5x7 or even 8x10 without changing the settings

No. When you move the enlarger head, you'll need to adjust the settings accordingly. Raise it up will require a larger aperture/longer exposure, lowering it will require smaller aperture/shorter exposure.
FYI......You really need to get some darkroom books. They are plentiful and cheap. And can answer many of the questions you ask.

I got these for $2 each.

Now is there a faster way to focus the enlarger. Every single time I get the image in focus it ****s up the the size of the image. Any way to mitigate that or make the process faster and more seamless.

You didn't say what enlarger or focusing aid you are using but, as dxqcanada said, there are enlargers with "auto-focus" features such as the Leitz units and there are others.

Are you using a grain focuser? If not, that might help speed up the process.
Now is there a faster way to focus the enlarger. Every single time I get the image in focus it ****s up the the size of the image. Any way to mitigate that or make the process faster and more seamless.

You didn't say what enlarger or focusing aid you are using but, as dxqcanada said, there are enlargers with "auto-focus" features such as the Leitz units and there are others.

Are you using a grain focuser? If not, that might help speed up the process.
IDK what enlarger my school uses and I try to use a grain focuser when one is available if not I just eyeball it
So the film is free as well? Where does the line form? :biggrin-93:

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