Custom function mirror lockup issue


TPF Noob!
Oct 28, 2010
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So I'm browsing through the menu on my camera last night and I noticed that one of the functions allows you to lock up the mirror while shooting. I figured that would be great for some of those tripod shots so I set it and tried a few xmas ornament shots. As expected the exposure took significantly longer than a regular shot. After the camera was done I went in to view my picture and I got an error message "No image available". I figured it might take a while before it was ready so i went back in a while later and still no image. Has this happened to anyone else before?
The mirror lock-up function isn't used for taking pictures - it's used for cleaning purposes. For long exposures you would shoot in manual and change the shutter speed to "Bulb", which will keep the shutter open as long as you hold the button down (but it's better to get a remote to trigger it so you don't get any camera shake).

EDIT: I take that back, it appears your camera body allows you to use mirror lock-up as a way to reduce vibration, so I'm actually not any help here, sorry.
On mine, you fire the shutter to lock the mirror and fire it again for the image. The only increase in time should be the time it takes to fire the shutter, not increase how short or long the shutter stays open. Using a remote release is a postive thing as well.
Thanks Orion. No harm no foul but I sure would feel the fool if Mirror lockup was for cleaning. Ann, I'm going to try that tonight and see if I get something tonight. I'm also going to do some digging around in the manual tonight as well. If all goes as planned I'll post some shots.
Page 91 of your manual.

Press the shutter release to raise the mirror, press the shutter release again to open the shutter curtains ans expose the image sensor, and the mirror comes back down when the shutter closes.

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