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Country-style church fellowship (Guazapa, El Salvador)

Jacob Ben Avraham

No longer a newbie, moving up!
Jan 1, 2015
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We visited this small house congregation near the city of Guazapa, about one hour from San Salvador, off the beaten path. In a small "Canton" (village). We had our music and reading of the Psalms, and I brought a teaching over the Creation and Fall in Genesis. Afterward, we had praise and worship and some coffee and sweet bread. Together with the dogs and cats, and of course a lot of flies. The 4 calves and the cow were in the back of the house. Just a little place off the beaten path. A very sincere place with love and fellowship.

We have limited funds, but in January, we bring them gifts, clothing, foodstuffs, "Hanukkah" gifts, they look happy to me. They are a very happy and joyful family, looks can be deceiving.
Interesting subject - what were the settings? I think the shutter speed was too slow. Thanks for sharing.
I used my iphone, whatever settings it has, i used.

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