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Cold Winter Morning


TPF Noob!
Jan 15, 2025
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This is part of a series documenting Pembroke Power Station and Refinery captured from the shoreline of the Pembroke River. I have been working on this project for a good few years now and during that time I have captured many images at sunrise, sunset and during the day. I captured this photo on a very cold winter morning just after sunrise. It was so cold the surrounding landscape was covered in frost and I could barely feel my fingers. Handling metal filters in these conditions is no fun! But the results are worth it.

cold winter morning mod.webp
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This is part of a series documenting Pembroke Power Station and Refinery captured from the shoreline of the Pembroke River. I have been working on this project for a good few years now and during that time I have captured many images at sunrise, sunset and during the day. I captured this photo on a very cold winter morning just after sunrise. It was so cold the surrounding landscape was covered in frost and I could barely feel my fingers. Handling metal filters in these conditions is no fun! But the results are worth it.

View attachment 282723
Lovely image.
Full marks for exposure and tonal range. Otherwise it's a sky/water reflection bisected by an almost-featureless horizon line. Since I'm unfamiliar with the locale, it's tough to see a strong landscape shot here.
Full marks for exposure and tonal range. Otherwise it's a sky/water reflection bisected by an almost-featureless horizon line. Since I'm unfamiliar with the locale, it's tough to see a strong landscape shot here.
Hi cgw, thanks for your overwhelmingly positive and constructive comment. So I know how to take better landscape photos in the future, what would you consider makes a "strong" landscape shot?
Hi cgw, thanks for your overwhelmingly positive and constructive comment. So I know how to take better landscape photos in the future, what would you consider makes a "strong" landscape shot?
Take a look sometime at Michael Kenna's Hokkaido landscapes.

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