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Canon EOS 50D & Sigma Lens Issues


TPF Noob!
May 7, 2013
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Hello all,
I have a Canon 50D DSLR with a Canon 18-135mm lens along with a number of other Canon EF lenses. I recently received a Sigma 70-210mm UC-ll macro lens and decided to give it a try. It worked great indoors, but as soon as I took it outside it stopped. Everything appeared to function as normal until I pressed the shutter. At that point, I received an 01 error with a message telling me that the lens and camera weren't communicating. I shut the camera cleaned the contacts, took the battery out, but nothing worked. Went back inside, and the camera worked fine again. Took the camera back outside with my standard Canon lens and no problems. Tried the Sigma again, and the error message came back. Anybody have an idea what the problem could be? Looking forward to hearing your responses.
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Quite possibly the Sigma lens is too old. Maybe it was designed for an earlier generation of Canon cameras. This type of incompatibility is not unheard-of with Sigma lenses and Canon bodies. It is unfortunate. Sorry to hear about your disappointing experience. I have an older Sigma 70-210 / 5.6-f/4 from the late 1990s. It does not work on any Canon digital single-lens reflex that I've owned. I got it at a pawn shop with a Rebel 2000 film camera for $19.95 for the combo, so no big loss... your Sigma lens is probably from the early 2000s. I had problems with 1990s and early 2000 Sigma's with late 2000s Nikon cameras, and I sold off all of my Sigma lenses except one which is the 18 to 125mm DG which I bought with my Canon 20D.
Thanks Derrel,
I believe you are absolutely correct. I remember reading something about this a while back. I placed this lens on my old Canon film camera and it worked just fine. Glad you reminded me. The Sigma works fine on my 50D but only indoors. Didn't really need another lens, but staying locked up in my house these days makes me buy things I don't really need. Thanks again for your response, it was very nice hearing from you.
All my best,

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