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Bird and Snake


Been spending a lot of time on here!
Feb 15, 2019
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Central Florida (Ruskin area)
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A common gallinule.

Pretty sure a Red Cornsnake. Correct me if I'm wrong. Found him crossing the trail I was riding on today, he had some beautiful colors.
Nice! I like the snake the best!
Nice shots!
Nice! I like the snake the best!
Thanks guys. Not 100% happy with the bird shot, it was the wrong time of day, and very bright, but my only opportunity to get out. Morning or evening would've been better. Any suggestions for such shots? Maybe a simple decrease in the brightness, a little dehaze maybe?
I'm not an expert, but maybe darkening the blacks? In PS maybe -35 and go from there. I may be wrong, but give it a shot ;)
I'm not an expert, but maybe darkening the blacks? In PS maybe -35 and go from there. I may be wrong, but give it a shot ;)
Yep, that helped. I did a -35 and the colors look richer, not as washed out. Thanks, Mitch. I'll have to remember that one because I'm always shooting on very bright, sunny days.

Nice shots.

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