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Best of... Uncle Bobs

I haven't seen you post in a while, so I just wanted to say "hi."

I can't really relate, other than I do my best to NOT be Uncle Bob! At my niece's wedding, I went where the real photographer was not, I stayed out if the way.
I think the days of banning all cameras except for the hired guns are long past. Each person is different to deal with, and each situation is different, but i will tell you how we deal with the extra "photographer" friends and family.

You can usually spot them fairly quickly. Especially if, like us, you do a fair amount of pre-ceremony shots. Aside from the obvious "getting ready" shots that people love, it serves as a fantastic way to lure out the "uncle Bob" photogs. They usually can't resist getting in on any shots THEY think YOU think are important.

Here's what I like to do when I have identified a "fam with a cam" person.

I introduce myself. Marvel at their camera. Make some small talk about their photography hobby and experience. I explain that I want to give the bride and groom the best pictures I can, and as I'm sure they do as well, they can help facilitate this by coordinating with me a little. I like to involve them a little as well. I ask them if there are any particular shots they would like to see, and if so, tell them I will do my best to work it in for them.

Sometimes, a few simple considerations to them makes our job much easier. When they feel like we are working WITH them, instead of against them, I have found that they make a greater conscious effort to stay out of our way. I realize you don't HAVE to make any considerations for uncle bobs...i realize the contract may give you all camera rights...
I'm just saying that 90% of the time for us, talking to the family photogs ahead of time has made a huge difference. Sometimes people are just going to be dicks about it. Can't always be helped. But you would be amazed how accommodating they can be, and how appreciative they can be if you just take a few minutes to talk to them about what you would like to do, what they would like to do, and how both can be accomplished.

I'm sure your people skills are far better than mine...usually I can just give people drugs and they do whatever I need then to.
Doesn't work as well at a wedding.
I'm sure your people skills are far better than mine...usually I can just give people drugs and they do whatever I need then to.
Doesn't work as well at a wedding.

I don't know, seems like that might actually work!
This reminds me of news photography and NOT getting blocked out of a shot. If a person is standing behind 10 or 15 others with cameras and is then somehow surprised that a shooter in the front pops up in the viewfinder, it's a case of not being aware of the realities of the way event shooting works. If you don't want to get boxed out, you need to have taken control and put yourself in a position where YOU are the one who gets the shot. If you want to be in charge of the situation, you'll need to actually "OWN it", and be aware of how human nature works. If you're 25 feet back, and there are four,five, six rows of people in front of you, you were too far back and too timid, or too inexperienced, or not considering of the way events ACTUALLY go down, to have put yourself right up front. It's more a case of being prepared, and anticipating what might happen.

Oh...and I've actually shot news events, press events, sports events, and weddings...I know how it feels to be the person right down in front, blocking the view of everybody, or side-by-side with six to ten other people with cameras right behind a cordon. Again...I bet you saw Uncle Bob there, earlier, right? You wanna stop him? STAND in the aisle, right beside him, and pin him in, in the seats. If he was sitting at an end seat, and experience tells me he probably was, you should have been right there, next to him, so when he stood up, he had nowhere to go except right through your shooting position.

Or they might be in the back because the framing is the best back there and it would make for the best photo? I mean, it's just a thought.

I would consider getting a mediocre shot because you're afraid of what MIGHT happen to be the mark of a truly inexperienced photographer.
I just think we should get to the root of the issue and ban all weddings.

Agree wholeheartedly !!!! It's quite obvious to me that without weddings we would not have this issue !!! :1247:
I just think we should get to the root of the issue and ban all weddings.

Agree wholeheartedly !!!! It's quite obvious to me that without weddings we would not have this issue !!! :1247:

As an added bonus, the divorce rate would plummet like a lead balloon! Win-win!

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