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After market batteries and chargers


TPF Noob!
May 13, 2024
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I have bought some old Panasonic cameras lately. Could you all be so kind as to tell me what replacement chargers/batteries go with the following cameras:

Panasonic LUMIX DMC-FZ150

Panasonic LUMIX DMC-FZ18

Panasonic LUMIX DMC-FZ7

Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ47

Specs on after-market products of this sort seem to be all over the place. Do you have any 'rule of thumbs' as far as how to know which after-market products will work with each of the above cameras? I have a fear of buying something that says it is a replacement battery/charger for one of my cameras, me buying it, trying it -- and FRYING the camera because they specs aren't quite right.

Thank you for your time and assistance!


Try the Wasabi branded batteries and/or chargers for the various cameras.
Just a guess but I'd think any battery suggested to work will probably work. As for the charger, all it does is charge the battery! I have after market battery in my cameras and no problem's at all. If your camera uses AA battery's, most any AA battery should work. My exception to that is my point and shoot Panasonic, the camera itself is plugged into the wall and charges the battery in the camera.
Second vote for Wasabi. Their website is wasabipower.com You can look up the battery based on the original battery number. Some of those may no longer be available.

Other brands I’ve used with good luck include Kaystar and Powerextra..
Second vote for Wasabi. Their website is wasabipower.com You can look up the battery based on the original battery number. Some of those may no longer be available.

Other brands I’ve used with good luck include Kaystar and Powerextra..
Third endorsement for Wasabi.

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