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Advice on digital camera.


TPF Noob!
Jan 25, 2025
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Thank you for accepting me onto this forum.
I really want to get back into photography again but have been lacking in inspiration due to a number of issues.
I'm looking for some advice please to hopefully get me back into something that I used to dearly love. I've only ever shot film and love the aesthetics of the square format but would like to give digital a try. I wonder if anyone could recommend a high quality small digital compact that shoots square images please?
Fujifilm have a great selection of old and new bodies and you wont want for APS-C lenses. I admit they don't shoot square images, however you can always crop.
Fujifilm have a great selection of old and new bodies and you wont want for APS-C lenses. I admit they don't shoot square images, however you can always crop.
Thankyou, I'll give them a look as well. I did have my eye on a Fuji XA 1.
G'day Brian

Congratulations upon entering the digital world here ... I did it 20-some yrs back when I finally gave film away and 'went digital'

I am not aware of any current digital bodies that internally crop to a square format ... they follow the 35mm / 6 x 9cm film format thus producing "good ol' 4" x 6" prints" for those who print their stuff

You will soon find heaps of offerings for dSLR cameras and heaps of lenses that go with them.
I will offer an alternate suggestion as you ask for "a high quality small digital compact"

Jeff above suggests two possible brands ... I will go further and suggest / ask you "do you need interchangeable lenses or will a strong + built-in zoom do the job"?

If the latter, I suggest you look into any of i) the Panny FZ-300 with its constant aperture 24x zoom Leica lens; then ii) the (big bigger+ heavier) Panny FZ-2000 with its 20x zoom Leica lens, and/or iii) the Sony RX-100 (latest model) as all three are excellent cameras and worthy of serious consideration

Hope this helps
Ricoh GR II and III
Howdy and welcome! My Sony RX10M4 allows me to set the aspect ratio to 1:1, which is a square cropped image, if that helps. It's a nice bridge camera that doesn't require one to carry around a satchel full of lenses.

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