Adding text to prints (Newborn photo)


TPF Noob!
Aug 10, 2009
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Small town USA!
Can others edit my Photos
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I've been trying to add text to some of my prints to make cute framed photos.... What do you think about this one:

Should be center justified
I don't know that it necessarily has to be centered, but the text needs to be set in farther from the border. It has no breathing room, and maybe it's the size that it's displayed at, but I feel like there could be a lot better use of the space, because it feels too compressed. I'd change it to square format if it's for display, and not print, and then set the borders a lot closer to the edges on the top and the bottom. But if you are constrained to the print size, I'd suggest making the sides of the border less heavy and set them closer to the edge, giving the image more room. This would work better from a design standpoint. You're already framing the image in a frame, why would you want to use so much of your real estate with another one? (Personally I'd take the frame out altogether, but that's me.) It will give you more leeway with the text placement and you'll be able to fit a much larger image.

Just my thoughts.
I don't know that it necessarily has to be centered, but the text needs to be set in farther from the border. It has no breathing room, and maybe it's the size that it's displayed at, but I feel like there could be a lot better use of the space, because it feels too compressed. I'd change it to square format if it's for display, and not print, and then set the borders a lot closer to the edges on the top and the bottom. But if you are constrained to the print size, I'd suggest making the sides of the border less heavy and set them closer to the edge, giving the image more room. This would work better from a design standpoint. You're already framing the image in a frame, why would you want to use so much of your real estate with another one? (Personally I'd take the frame out altogether, but that's me.) It will give you more leeway with the text placement and you'll be able to fit a much larger image.

Just my thoughts.
+1 to this too.
I originally had it without the border, but it seemed like something was missing...I guess once I frame it though it'll help. lol There are actually only two font types. Maybe only using one would better? I'll play around with it some more!

Thanks for the advice and feedback!
the idea has merit, but that border is super distracting and the text is too small
Should be more centered. It looks like 3 types to me (the top text is cursive, the bottom text is regular, and the "danced" is bold, cursive).

I would like to see the top text done like the bottom (regular writing and the word "nestled" or "snug" done int the bold, cursive font).

There isn't enough room at the top. Can you center the text inside the top bracket of the border and then center the 2nd line under it. Then center the bottom text under the picture.
Here are some of my tips from a graphic designer's standpoint:
1. Remove the border. It's way too thick as it is now and it comes across as more important than the text/image. Plus, the flowy design of it competes with your script font, rather than enhancing it.
2. Stick with one font and make it more legible. Try a font that's more "handwritten" than it is "script". Something like DearJoe works well. DJ Fancy is a gorgeous and legible font that I've recently come to love. Ultimately, though, if you are willing, I'd recommend a serif font. If it's for print: Garamond is one of the highest rated fonts for print.
3. The background of the photo is quite different from the white background of the design. I'd either desaturate the background of the photo a bit or work from the original file and feather it more so there's more of a gradual "fade-off".

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