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A schnauzer Christmas

Nice shots.
Thank you!

Real Nice Set...The Only Issue I See, If I Were To Nitpick Is That They Are Not English Bulldogs, Just Kidding They Are Beautiful...Merry Christmas And Good Tidings!!!
:lol: Thanks! I would love to photo English Bulldogs. They have that regal look.
They do not like sitting on the wood base because they slide around. The little furry rug keeps them in the sit and stay position. I added the rug on the sled for comfort. The 4x4 floor wood panels are from a big box home improvement store. The panels are thick and reversible.

I took these back in October when they were freshly groomed. Looking at them now I'm thinking maybe I need to lighten a tad? C&C welcome


Merry Christmas from the pups by Cheryl, on Flickr


Quincy by Cheryl, on Flickr


Oscar by Cheryl, on Flickr


Snickers by Cheryl, on Flickr
Great set; great dogs. The caption, "you lookin' at me?' comes to mind for each one.

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