A few f-bodies (cars) C&C


TPF Noob!
Jun 26, 2010
Reaction score
St. Louis, MO
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit

I used content aware auto fill in photoshop to remove the reflection of the parking lot stripe on the door. Had a little trouble removing it from the front fender so I decided to leave it. I swear the picture isn't crooked, its just the angle of the car and the slope of the parking lot I think.


I didn't do very much editing in this picture, maybe a bit too vibrant but I loved the color of this car and wanted it to pop. Maybe when I'm better at using photoshop I can tone down the background a little.
Huh, I didn't know those were considered f-chassis. When I think f-chassis, I think Foxbody Mustang, like 91-94.

Anyways, they're clean snaps, but not anything special in a photography sense. They're a bit too close in for me.
Huh, I didn't know those were considered f-chassis. When I think f-chassis, I think Foxbody Mustang, like 91-94.

Anyways, they're clean snaps, but not anything special in a photography sense. They're a bit too close in for me.

They're f-bodies in the GM chassis coding sense. It had no correlation to the year they were produced. All camaros/firebirds prior to the new style were f-bodies. Foxbody mustangs ran through 93. 1994 started the SN95 body.

As for the photos, its funny because my dad gave me crap after an entire day at the track yesterday I came home with only a few shots of full cars and he just couldn't understand why those shots didn't appeal to me photographically. I explained that those were shots that I could find on google in 2 seconds. You have to move in close when shooting cars amongst other cars/spectators to get good shots, or ask to do a mini-shoot and maybe the owners are willing to move the car to a nice spot if you promise them some free prints. They're fine snapshots, but not much going on photographically.

....and I LOVE that split front bumper....niceeeee....


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