Because it's a statement that's so untrue, it's elevated to the point of, "silly or unreasonable and deserving to be laughed at."
Thank you for your opinion, Siskel. That opinion hasn't stopped every "serious" filmmaker from using it in every "seriously" produced, directed and filmed professional video made or seen in quite a while.
Except for...
Yes, it is used in movies
but is the OP seriously going to making feature films with his DSLR. No.
Don't know, and neither do you. Don't care either. It can be used in ANY kind of film, even "serious" films made by people who want to take video "seriously", like, oh, I dunno - PROFESSIONAL FILMMAKERS who quite obviously take video "seriously".
By the way, what makes you the expert on this, especially in the face of it being used in pretty much every actual film made by people who take video "seriously" that any of us have ever seen? How in the world do you justify your statement in light of that blatantly observable indisputable fact?