
  1. nerwin

    It snowed!

    Woke up to about 4 inches of heavy wet snow...power went out at 3:33am (perfect timing) and didn't come back on until almost 10am. But managed to get out to take photos, didn't get anything I liked that much but I liked the colors in this. Nikon Z6II + Z 50mm 1.8 S
  2. Out my window 11182023

    Out my window 11182023

    A change in season. I can't remember what the temperature was for the photo from August (also in my gallery), but it was -3 out there when I took this one today. Life in Alaska. I'm actually in the south central part of the state where it stays a bit warmer than the interior does.
  3. A Time of Thanks.jpg

    A Time of Thanks.jpg

    The residents of Red Lodge, MT decided to leave some of their pumpkins from Halloween for the local deer to eat. I'm sure they thought that was a fantastic treat.
  4. Blending In.jpg

    Blending In.jpg

    A powerful branch antler bull elk eats his meal alongside 2 domestic friends.
  5. Rock Creek Blues 3.jpg

    Rock Creek Blues 3.jpg

    Red Lodge, MT during subzero temperatures of -18* F, a process of "Anchor Ice" begins. This event requires a sudden cold snap to create this effect. Each event brings colors that can range from grays and blues to even emerald green! This is when Mother Nature dresses up in her very finest.
  6. Rock Creek Blues 2.jpg

    Rock Creek Blues 2.jpg

    Red Lodge, MT during subzero temperatures of -18* F, a process of "Anchor Ice" begins. This event requires a sudden cold snap to create this effect. Each event brings colors that can range from grays and blues to even emerald green! This is when Mother Nature dresses up in her very finest.
  7. Rock Creek Blues 1.jpg

    Rock Creek Blues 1.jpg

    Red Lodge, MT during subzero temperatures of -18* F, a process of "Anchor Ice" begins. This event requires a sudden cold snap to create this effect. Each event brings colors that can range from grays and blues to even emerald green! This is when Mother Nature dresses up in her very finest.
  8. Glennallen, AK 2015

    Glennallen, AK 2015

    A sunset I could not resist
  9. From my kitchen window.jpg

    From my kitchen window.jpg

    I was bored on a day off and wanted to get a nice photo somehow.
  10. B

    Is Golden Hour longer or short in Winter (Southern California USA)

    I saw this was posted in the beginners thread back in 2013. But I don’t feel like i got my question answered from reading that thread. does the Duration of golden hour change every season? Or is it still like 40min-1hour before the sun sets? Will i have to change how I perform my outdoor...

    Winter Sunset over 66w and 50 [5 PICS - Mavic 2 Pro]

    We've been having some fantastic sunsets this winter. I had to find a location to get the drone up and capture this wild sky last week as I was on my way home. How it started. The clouds were looking like a natural long exposure which is what made me stop and look. 1 Fairfax City Sunset by...
  12. M

    Winter Wonderland

  13. Danner Hood Winter Light 8" Brown Boots

    Danner Hood Winter Light 8" Brown Boots

    Danner: Hood Winter Light 8" Brown Insulated 200G Waterproof GORE-TEX Boots
  14. ntz

    winter here in the heart of the Europe

    Hello people, I am new to forum .. this is my first photo `thrown to lions' .. please, be merciful to me :D .. I know, it ain't the sharpest one, it ain't the clearest one .. was taken hand held, was modified in RawTherapee but just very little, generally only +highlights and +shadows because I...
  15. Glostars

    Best gear for winter photography

    Hi everybody, What is the best gear I can use to get good winterish photographs? I live in Finland and I always wanted to get good images during winter where everything gets snowy white and the cities are colorful. However sometimes my smatphone doesn't get the captures right. So now I'm...
  16. primefactor123

    Icicle Pic

    I'm very proud of this. Hope you guys like it too.
  17. primefactor123

    R.C. Harris Water Treatment Plant

  18. D7K

    Vitosha - February Sunrise

    So, after suffering from cabin fever and growing anxiety from not being able to get out and shoot, we decided last night we would getup today and head into the mountain for the sunrise. A spot we've previously visited. Waking at 05:30 on Saturday ain't easy but we grabbed a coffee and jumped in...
  19. D7K

    Winter Love Story

    I can't think of any reason to stop shooting beautiful winter snowy landscapes, There's just something about them. Again this was shot in Vitosha Mountain. D850/24-70 @36mm / F11 / ISO64
  20. D7K

    The Thing.....

    I mentioned in the last post of a few mountain shots that the landscape was beautiful; with the fog dropping and the snow falling it felt almost other worldly in the mountain.. And then I saw this....
  21. C

    Blue hour in Tromsø

    The dark period in Tromsø makes for a bit challenging photography, as blue hour is almost the brightest time of the day. But the city is really nice in the blue light! Tromsø in blue hour
  22. D7K

    Winter Sunrise

    Rising at 5:45am on a cold cold Sunday morning was an absolute treat as always! We drank a coffee, jumped into the car and headed up into the mountain to catch the sunrise from a viewpoint I've seen but not yet shot from. Arriving just on the cusp of the blue hour, I jumped out of the car and...
  23. D7K

    The TV Tower in Winter

    A cold walk tonight took us to a place that's insanely busy with traffic but also a place I've wanted to shoot for a while; I'm looking for feedback on this edit as its just a fairly quick one, and yeah, I know, the sign is annoying :D D850 / 24mm / f9 / ISO 64 / 20 sec
  24. Vieri

    Reynisdrangar in winter

    Iceland in winter is amazing, looking for ice and snow patterns on the black sand at Reynisdrangar is extremely inspiring and makes enduring the cold definitely worth it. Leica SL, Leica Vario-Elmarit-SL 24-90mm @ 24mm and filters Formatt-Hitech Firecrest Ultra. Thanks for viewing, best...
  25. Vieri

    A different Seljalandsfoss in winter

    Seljalandsfoss is one of the most famous and photographed waterfalls in Iceland, most known for being photographed from behind the water. Since I like to go to Iceland in winter, both for my Workshops and for my personal work, that is never possible: the access to the waterfall's back is closed...
  26. M

    Godafoss, Iceland...

    Hey all! I know Iceland is a subject du jour at the moment, and this isn't exactly an unknown location within Iceland... but I tried to have a slightly different take on it. Hopefully it's something fresh to you, and I hope you like it. "God's Eye View"
  27. nerwin

    Yet, another backyard landscape

    So I've been a bit sick lately dealing with a horrible sinus infection which caused me to not sleep for like 3 days. It was pretty rough so I took it easy and took a break from photography, a least a little bit anyways. Yesterday I felt much better, like night/day difference except for the fact...
  28. Nintendoeats

    Broken Window in Snow

    I was hoping to get some shots like this and the weather provided, I think they came out very nicely. Perhaps the second would have benefited from a wider depth of field?
  29. Ross Photography

    I'm New Here, What Do You Think?

    Would like to know your thoughts on the image, I love constructive criticism, feel free to edit and show me what you would have done! Frozen Mountains by Marshall Ross, on Flickr
  30. birdbonkers84

    Trip to the Zoo

    1. Gentoo Penguin Gentoo Penguin by Mark Coull, on Flickr 2. King Penguin King penguin by Mark Coull, on Flickr 3. Meerkat Meerkat in morning light by Mark Coull, on Flickr 4. Grey Squirrel Grey Squirrel in the sunlight by Mark Coull, on Flickr 5. Black-headed gull (winter plumage)...
  31. birdbonkers84

    Wander along the beach on a bitter cold morning

    1. Herring gull perched by Mark Coull, on Flickr 2. Carrion Crow Portrait by Mark Coull, on Flickr 3. Black-headed gull by Mark Coull, on Flickr 4. Juvenile Herring gull by Mark Coull, on Flickr 5. Herring gull by Mark Coull, on Flickr Headed out for a walk along the beach and it was...
  32. C

    I’m trying to figure out how to take shots like this?

    I’m so new to photography I haven’t even purchased a camera yet, besides my iPhone. I love take pictures of the scenery I’m around when I travel and of my family and friends. I saw this picture and was so intrigued by how awesome it looked, with the snow and lighting that I was inclined to post...
  33. neil fisher

    Battling Winter's Wrath - Photos In Extreme Cold

    I wasn't sure which forum to post this in, but figured as it's a rather broad topic this forum would be best. As winter temporarily reaffirms its frigid grasp on the Northern Hemisphere, it seems like a good time to review the basics of photography in extreme cold. From cold batteries to...
  34. Samuel.z

    Did i go to far?

    I was out by the lake nearby and shot this. It kind of looks like some huge mountains at first but this is just a frozen puddle with a thin layer of water on top. but i had to do a lot of editing to get it this way. This is the image straight out of the camera.
  35. Igal-K

    Photographying winter sports

    Hello, Hopefully this is the right place to post this question. If not - my apologies, I'm new here :) In about a week the company I work for is taking all the employees to do ski in Greece. Personally I don't ski, but I thought it might be a good opportunity to try and take some ski action...
  36. nerwin

    Frosty & Frosty Leaf

    I really liked the lighting this morning when I woke up and quickly threw my jacket and hat on and ran outside even though it 5 degrees. I happened to look down and saw this leaf that kind of sitting there alone with the sunrise reflecting off from it. I had to lay down on top of the frosty...
  37. Tailgunner

    Colorado Winter drive Gopro 4 Black 4K

    This sub-forum seems a stagnate, so I figured I would post some stuff. I'm in the process of switching out my Gopro 4's for Gopro 5's...including a modified 5. In the mean time I figured I would post up a video I shot in Boulder Colorado driving up Flagstaff mountain and ending at Boulder's...
  38. Superka

    Moscow cityscapes. Winter 2016. Kuskovo park.

  39. Superka

    The tree.

  40. katsrevenge

    Fat Little Thing

    This little guy isn't so light on his feet anymore! He'd just noticed me.
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