
  1. dstreetphoto

    Steam over the Pembroke River

    Another from my series featuring Pembroke Power Station and Refinery. One of the reasons I keep coming back to this location is that no two days are the same. On this occasion, the conditions were clear and bright with a plume of steam billowing from Pembroke Power stations cooling towers. By...
  2. dstreetphoto

    Cold Winter Morning

    This is part of a series documenting Pembroke Power Station and Refinery captured from the shoreline of the Pembroke River. I have been working on this project for a good few years now and during that time I have captured many images at sunrise, sunset and during the day. I captured this photo...
  3. Bryan Pereira

    Land/Seascape Images - Seychelles Islands

    A mixed bag of Images from a recent trip to Seychelles. First time using this camera and was impressed with its dynamic range Nikon Z9,14-24mm 2.8, 28-300
  4. Dreaming by The Water.jpeg

    Dreaming by The Water.jpeg

    Deep emotions of a young woman by the lake taking in the scenery and calmness of the water
  5. Winter in Beartooth Wilderness.jpg

    Winter in Beartooth Wilderness.jpg

    Winter in the Beartooth Wilderness just outside of Red Lodge, MT is truly a magical setting. The frozen landscape enhances the holiday season.
  6. Christmas at the Old Bridge.jpg

    Christmas at the Old Bridge.jpg

    Winter is my favorite season of the year, especially to photograph. Lake Fork Creek in the Beartooth Wilderness just outside of Red Lodge, MT is stunning. One of the handfuls of wooden bridges that cross the creek make for a magical setting.
  7. Rock Creek Blues 3.jpg

    Rock Creek Blues 3.jpg

    Red Lodge, MT during subzero temperatures of -18* F, a process of "Anchor Ice" begins. This event requires a sudden cold snap to create this effect. Each event brings colors that can range from grays and blues to even emerald green! This is when Mother Nature dresses up in her very finest.
  8. Rock Creek Blues 2.jpg

    Rock Creek Blues 2.jpg

    Red Lodge, MT during subzero temperatures of -18* F, a process of "Anchor Ice" begins. This event requires a sudden cold snap to create this effect. Each event brings colors that can range from grays and blues to even emerald green! This is when Mother Nature dresses up in her very finest.
  9. Rock Creek Blues 1.jpg

    Rock Creek Blues 1.jpg

    Red Lodge, MT during subzero temperatures of -18* F, a process of "Anchor Ice" begins. This event requires a sudden cold snap to create this effect. Each event brings colors that can range from grays and blues to even emerald green! This is when Mother Nature dresses up in her very finest.
  10. Rain Drops on a Red Car

    Rain Drops on a Red Car

    Water beads on the surface of a Red Car
  11. seymour dawn

    seymour dawn

    local river at dawn (long exposure)
  12. indy.jpg


    Indianapolis skyline from the canal
  13. M

    Hunter on the prowl

  14. Vieri

    Two from Loch Lomond, in Scotland

    Loch Lomond is a beautiful loch, and I love to stop there on my way from Glasgow to Glencoe & the Isle of Skye, when I have a chance. Here two sunsets on the Loch, taken two years apart. First, a 2020 image, 3/5 of a second taken with my Hasselblad X1D II, Hasselblad XCD 21mm and Formatt-Hitech...
  15. T

    Pamlico Sound Sunset

    OBX sound side near Frisco. Posted this same pic like several years ago but I spruced it up with some auto-levels and it looks much better than the old post. Thought it was worth reposting. Cannon Powershot A620
  16. NGH


    I took this a while ago and I really like it but interested on comments about the composition - how affected is it by the fact the tail is not in shot?
  17. scott.craig


    I made this exposure on my second visit to this location. Having been familiar from my first visit I decided to immerse myself in the rock pools below the waterfall to create this image with a perspective of looking up and towards the start of the waterfall. After multiple bites from the...
  18. D7K

    Krushuna - 1 Year on...

    When I first switched from the Sony a7ii back to Nikon and picked up the D850, I knew I wanted to trial it somewhere awesome, I let it sit in the box for days before we took a trip to Krushuna Falls where I first got to use it and see what it could do. I've shared some of those shots previously...
  19. thphoto

    my little bird collection

    This is a mix of older and current photos which I will extend irregularly. wagtail plumage care grey heron singing robin hunting heron
  20. D7K

    Weekend and Waterfalls

    I love the spring and I love travelling around to the many different waterfalls we have here. Sorry I've not been around or posting for a while but between work, sleep and shooting I've not had much time to edit and catch up with things here. I picked up a NiSi HUC IR ND64+CPL so been having...
  21. theLincster

    Jessica - Cold River (CC)

    I took this picture back in 2014, I think, and has been one of my favorite images I've shot since. However, when I've shared it online I tend not to get much feedback on it, as if it isn't received well. The picture required nothing more from the model than a look of vulnerability, which I...
  22. trevoo

    Cape Cod lighthouse and ocean wave

  23. trevoo

    Water drops , Bali

  24. trevoo

    Mega Semahdi surfing Padang Padang , Bali

  25. D7K

    "Broken Mirror" Lake

    On a trip into the mountains a couple of months ago, we headed to one of the beautiful mountain lakes, when we arrived the sky was flat and grey, but as we hiked around and relaxed a while, the sun broke through, it was not the light I wanted, But the stillness of the lake and the light did make...
  26. D7K

    Cobh Harbour

    I've not been shooting too much lately with the weather and whiteout skies, So I have been re-organising my files, during which I came across this old shot from Ireland. A typically moody Irish sky in Cobh taken a few years ago; D7000/Tokina 12-24. C&C welcomed, It's often nice for me to look...
  27. D7K

    Black Sea Coast @ Sunrise

    A place I had seen before and always wanted to shoot. Now, without any filter kit (Still saving after the D850 splurge), it was challenging. We got up at around 5am which is always fun whilst on vacation AND it's your birthday. Anyways, we headed to the rocks and I setup this shot, watching...
  28. Fujidave

    Iconic Ruins

    The iconic ruins of the West pier in Brighton.
  29. nerwin

    Sometimes You Have to Reflect

    I went for a good 3+ mile walk yesterday morning and the light was pretty decent and when I saw how clear this pond was, the reflection was pretty decent! I only had my phone on me, Samsung Galaxy S7 and took this shot in RAW mode and processed it in Lightroom. As usual, had a hard time...
  30. Sjbo298

    nature walk

  31. r0r5ch4ch

    A golden walk

    Hi, one of the beautiful churches of Puebla/Mexico. This is located near Zocalo. A golden walk by Tobias Zimmermann, auf Flickr
  32. behindslr

    National Park through a long exposure

    Hello last week i visit national park Plitvicka Jezera.I love it the only was problem a weather i was expected cold but it was +2 that day... This is my photojournalism through a long exposure waterfalls black and white Sunshine over waterfalls This is my first time long exposure the...
  33. Samuel.z


    I hurt my foot yesterday so i had to stay inside but that won't stop me from shooting some photos. so i brought out some colored filters poured some waterdrops on them and this is the result.
  34. _mikro_

    Long Exposure

    So I picked up a Lee Filters Big Stopper and went down to the power plant this morning and did some experimenting. I think I did ok for my first try. This was a 8 minute exposure at f9 with my sigma 10-20mm on a canon 80d. Any friendly advice is welcome. M ike
  35. Kedarnag138

    After Sunset

  36. D

    Sea and Shore

  37. Otto von Chriek

    Reflections In A Forest

    Reflections in a forest river.
  38. koleks


    Condominiums of Pico de Loro Sony Nex-3N / 30mm / f10 / 20sec / ISO200
  39. koleks

    Standing Still

    At Wawa Dam: Sony NEX-3N / 55mm / f22 / 10s / ISO200
  40. PersistentNomad

    Dew Drop Arc

    Taken in my front garden a few weeks ago
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