

    Early Summer Storm

    Been doing a lot of these panoramas lately, this is from a shakedown test with the new Mavic 3. A storm moving in from the Dulles area, as seen from West Fairfax. I was tickled to see it made the evening news. Summer Storm from The West by Jono Kenyon, on Flickr Featured on WUSA9 Evening...

    Winter Sunset over 66w and 50 [5 PICS - Mavic 2 Pro]

    We've been having some fantastic sunsets this winter. I had to find a location to get the drone up and capture this wild sky last week as I was on my way home. How it started. The clouds were looking like a natural long exposure which is what made me stop and look. 1 Fairfax City Sunset by...

    Late Summer Storm

    This was out near Silver Lake, in Haymarket Virginia. One of those great late afternoon summer storms that rolls in and out in about 30min. Haymarket, VA storm by Jono Kenyon, on Flickr Haymarket, VA storm by Jono Kenyon, on Flickr Haymarket, VA storm by Jono Kenyon, on Flickr
  4. Vieri

    Storm over St Monans zigzagging pier

    Not being an engineer, I am not sure how effective the bizarre shape of St Monans' pier is to break waves, but I assume it works. What I am sure of, on the other hand, is that photographically speaking the pier is a truly inspiring work of concrete! 2 seconds, Hasselblad X1D II, Hasselblad 30mm...
  5. _Tobias

    Another View of the Sky - Storm Clouds

    Storm Clouds in Charlottenburg-Berlin. Germany.
  6. Vieri

    Two stormy images of Durdle Door, Dorset

    Dorset, in the UK, is one of my favourite destinations. Durdle Door's sea arch is probably the most photographed landmark in Dorset, and for good reasons - it is truly remarkable. Here two different compositions of this iconic location. Stormy weather over Durdle Door. ⁠12 seconds, Leica S...
  7. Vieri

    Two different moods at Reynisdrangar, Iceland

    I love going to Iceland in winter. The weather in Iceland is always such a leading character in the story and this is even truer in winter, as the images here prove (at least to me, that is). Reynisdrangar, in Iceland, is a very accessible location offering a wealth of different compositional...
  8. Vieri

    Storm over Podere Terrapille, Tuscany

    A dark and gloomy sky, with a storm brewing, over Podere Terrapille in Tuscany. A 2017 photograph created with my Leica SL, Leica Vario-Elmarit-SL 24-90mm and Formatt-Hitech Firecrest filters. Thank you for viewing, best regards Vieri
  9. D7K

    Lightning over Warsaw

    This is the first time I'd actually attempted to capture lightning and I was pleased with the results, the only thing is I wished my balcony and the lightning were over some other part of the city, you can't win them all.. All shot on the D850 with the 24-70 2.8, All 3 have different shutter...
  10. R

    Costa Brava Autumn

    I particularly like these two. Nice composition and friendly light IMO. Hope you like them. Rolleiflex 2.8f HP5 Roger img072-1 by Roger Wade, on Flickr Palafruegell by Roger Wade, on Flickr
  11. Vieri

    Gatklettur under the storm, Iceland

    Iceland's basaltic rocks, shaped by the power of the weather, feature incredible shapes: this is Gatklettur under the storm, a black & white image created in Iceland in February 2018. Leica SL, Voigtlander 15mm and Formatt-Hitech Firecrest Ultra filters. Thank you for viewing, best regards Vieri
  12. Vieri

    Stormy sunset over Allt a Chapuill, Isle of Arran

    A stormy sunset at Allt a Chapuill, taken on the Isle of Arran in Scotland in spring 2017. Leica S (Typ 007), Leica Super-Elmar-S 24mm and Formatt-Hitech Firecrest filters. Thank you for viewing, best regards Vieri
  13. Vieri

    Stormy weather at El Picon, Asturias

    A dramatic morning at El Picon, taken in Asturias (Spain) last fall. Leica SL, Leica Vario-Elmarit-SL 24-90mm and Formatt-Hitech Firecrest filters. Thank you for viewing, best regards Vieri
  14. Destin

    Anger Management!

    I'm thinking that's what Mother Nature could use right about now. Someone needs to remind her that it's spring and should be getting nice out. Today all of Western NY experienced winds up to 75mph with extreme damage to trees and power lines. Tens of thousands are without power tonight as a...
  15. Vieri

    Storm at sunset at Playa Barrika, Basque Country

    Storm at sunset at amazing Playa Barrika in the Basque Country, taken during the Workshop I led las September in Asturias and the Atlantic Coast of Spain. Leica SL, Leica Vario-Elmarit-SL 24-90mm and Formatt-Hitech Firecrest filters. Thank you for viewing, best regards Vieri
  16. Vieri

    Storm at the Old Man of Storr, Isle of Skye

    Storm at the Old Man of Storr, taken during one of the Workshops I led on the Isle of Skye last spring. Leica SL, Leica Vario-Elmarit-SL 24-90mm and Formatt-Hitech Firecrest filters. Thanks for viewing, best regards Vieri
  17. PersistentNomad

    Early Riser

    Taken this morning. A Visitor D5000, 60mm f4.5 at 1/60 ISO 250 Storm Inbound D5000, 50mm f5.6 at 1/400 ISO 250
  18. D

    There's a storm brewing

    I managed to capture these just before we got hit with a huge storm. Big wind, lots of rain, and some hail. I cropped into the cloud shot a little on the second one, but I can't decide which crop I like better. It's cool to see that spinning area above the clouds, but I also like feeling...
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