
  1. I

    canon eos r5 or nikon z7 ii for nightscapes?

    Hi, cannot make up my mind which one to buy for nightscape photography here in Florida. I'm planning to shoot long exposures. Rumor is that r5 overheats a lot. Thanks!
  2. D7K

    Milky Way over Bezbog Lake

    Bezbog - Directly translates to "Without God" This is shot in near black dark after we returned from the hike; I'm not super happy with the noise in this one, but I love the shot and think the lake and mountain range offers a little depth. Thoughts? D850 - 14-24 2.8 @ 14mm, F/2.8 - ISO1600 -...
  3. birdbonkers84

    My hometown at night

    I had planned to get star trails behind the war memorial last night, but I messed up with my interval device so got nothing after waiting an hour. Took this as a consolation before heading home. Stonehaven at night by Mark Coull, on Flickr
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