
  1. F

    why is it that when I record a video on my camera, it looks different than others even though I follow the same settings?

    for eg. I set frame rate double , so 30fps to 60 fps then, iso to auto, then aperture to the widest (f/4 for me) and everything else. Then I set it on tripod, hit record. when I film myself it looks a bit washed out and my skin look saggy and pores are very visible, the overall movie is flat...
  2. TV_or_not_TV

    Need Help Identifying This Old Camera

    Greetings, everyone! Just as the title suggests, I need someone to help me out with identifying this old camera spotted in one of my favorite movies (from 1990) - I need the make, model & year of the camera. I captured all the important stills from the movie in which the old camera shows up (a...
  3. D

    1930's VITASCOPE 16mm Hand Crank Movie Camera

    Anyone here have actual experience with this camera? All comments appreciated. I just purchased one off ebay and it's in the mail now. Can I use the daul 8mm (16mm perforated on both sides) in this camera or do I have to use 2R regular 16mm film? I only want to use it to shoot novelty B&W...
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