I bought a Mamiya 7ii and took a couple of shots yesterday, using a cable release for the first time. Today when I was using the camera I discovered the on and off switch doesn’t work, the camera is fine and I have changed the batteries, but when I turn the switch to the red dot (off), it...
I was gifted an M645 body a few years ago and I'm finally putting together all the pieces needed to take some portraits with it. I've got a cableless flash unit I like a lot (Focal M500T-ZOOM) but can't for the life of me find the name of the specific flash sync cable it uses, which has two...
Hello all, firstly I'd like to say that I'm a little sore from a previous workout, so that may be influencing me at the moment, but that besides the point.
Today, on a bargain, I picked up a Bogen 3035 tripod with a 3047 head. This is a beautiful tripod but almost prohibitively heavy...
Hi all! I’m new here but have been quietly reading along absorbing all the great advice.
Currently checking my options for the jump from 35 to 120 and would like to consult your advice. I’d like to shoot 1/1000s so that rules out the M645 and M645J. I like the Super for its lightness and price...
Price: 2,000 plus shipping and handling.
Got this camera in college and fell in love with it. I am sad to let it go but I am getting into cinematography and want to invest in a proper cinema camera.
The camera is in great shape and i just want to find it a better house.
Buyers are secured buy...
So the other day I received an as-is mamiya rz67 kit with the claim that all they did to test it was put a battery in it and try to fire the shutter. Shutter didn’t fire and that’s all the tried to do (no troubleshooting). So when I still don’t have a battery yet, but I first started testing by...
OK so after a VERY LONG hiatus, I am back for a bit.
Shooting a newly acquired mamiya 645 (pre 1000).
Curious to how many 645 shooters in film there still are and what film are you getting.
Its a tough road now to find it and not break the bank.
Hi all,
So i just purchased the Mamiya Ruby Standard f/2 48mm rangefinder, and importantly this is my first ever rangefinder camera or rather first ever manual analog camera (all the while I've been using point'n'shoots).
And as a typical newbie not having the slightest idea, and due to the...
I will be purchasing an RZ67 Pro ii Medium Format camera soon, now by no means is this camera "old old" but it certainly has been out of production for some time now. I recently read a thread on photo.net about the risk of purchasing old film cameras left in original packaging...
Hi all,
I just picked up a Mamiya 65mm for my Universal Press camera. When I set the aperture to wide open (f6.3) the blades in the lens do not open all the way, they appear to still be closed just a slight bit. I can't find any info online, but I found this video and the aperture on the lens...
I've just received my AE prism finder for Mamiya m645. Unfortunately it has some fingerprints on the glass (probably guys from customs... eh...). Can I clean it just as a lens, using microfibre cloth and an optics-cleaning liquid?
After researching myself for long (earlier was looking at GH5), I have started saving up and am searching for a mamiya 7 ii with 43mm lens and 150mm lens, and waiting for a decent deal to pop up on them. Even with my phone, I always use manual focus,shutter speed and white balance when I'm in...
Up for sale is a Mamiya 645 AFD III DM22 DSLR kit, which include the Mamiya 645 AFD III body, 80/2.8 lens with hood, Leaf Aptus II 22MP digital back.
The camera is in great working condition, with only few used marks, the back's screen is clean, no marks on it, the back only has few hundred...