
  1. P

    what should one to buy the right camera for THEM

    I know when i was first purchasing my first dslr, i just went with the best one in the market. i realised after toying around with it that there were a lot of things i could go without, and othertimes where my camera lacks the part where I needed it to thrive. so for someone who is looking out...
  2. C

    Nikon Z5 for low-light product photography?

    Hello, I was looking to purchase a strong yet basic beginner-intermediate level DSLR for product photography. Today I went to a local shop and was very disappointed in what was sold to me (A mirrorless Canon M50 EOS Mark II)- I felt it was a step backward instead of forward. I am used to...
  3. Jeff15

    Which beginner camera for start?

    There are lots of compact cameras on the market, take a look at the Panasonic range.
  4. thedovahkiin909

    Need help identifying my first camera (Yashica)

    This is my first camera. I'm decent at framing shots and like to take pictures with my Pixel 3A. My mom recently bought me this Yashica. I know very little about film and want to find a manual for this camera or one similar. All I know at the moment is how to pop it open, how to wind up and...
  5. R

    Help me figure out what camera this is!

    Hi all, I am brand new to the forum! I will admit, I mainly came on here for help figuring out what kind of camera is in this photo. It is not a detailed photo at all but I thought there might be enough clues to narrow it down. Why do I need to find out what camera this is? I bought this point...
  6. T

    how to get right exposure/depth of field/shutter speed and other parameters

    hi guys, i'm not sure if this is the right place for this thread, if it's not please forgive me ahah. so, i've recently found a canon A1 that belonged to my grandad, i've never used an analog camera in my life and i'm getting into it. i'm not really a beginner about the parameters i'm asking...
  7. M

    Beginner post

    Hi! I am Mariah, I live in Bangladesh and I am a graphics designer and I have some pages which I run and do freelancing and that is what I do for a living. I was really interested in photography even before I started my career as a graphics designer but for some issues I did not able to. Now I...
  8. E

    Hi Thanks for having me on here!

    I have a question straight away but I should give a little background first. I have inherited my father's Durst m700 enlarger with a colour head and various other equipment. I used to help him develop enlarged prints and film in the 70s. He won a Minolta competition once and was a member of the...
  9. Kevin C. Photography

    One of the best way to learn photography ?

    Hey when i started learning photography i remember that i had a really hard time finding good quality formations online and I finally paid for expensive formations and classes. And recently i had a think, wouldn't be great if you could nowadays simply go on youtube and find all you need to learn...
  10. Alex Dumitrescu

    Another beginner, Toronto based

    Hi everyone, I'm glad I've found this community and hopefully this will bring the best in me and sharpen my skills. Cause sharp is always better :) Happy New Inspirational Year!
  11. A

    Nikon D7000 vs Nikon D5200 vs Canon 700D

    Hi! I am currently looking to buying my first ever DSLR. I want to buy used,because I feel that used cameras give me more features for less,and maybe with some lenses thrown in too. I have looked at the deals,and the 700D,D5200 and D7000 seems to match my price bracket(420 USD) pretty well. I...
  12. D7K

    Practice Practice, Plan, and practice more..

    So, I wasn't quite sure if / where this topic would fit into the forum, however, please feel free to delete or move the post if it's not suitable here. The reason I have posted here in the beginners forum, is to highlight that planning and practice are key to continued development and success...
  13. S

    Complete newbie to photography advice please!

    I'm completely new to photography I always wanted to get in to it and learn and participate as a hobby/and develop a new skill but I'm at a loss on how to go about learning I usually read a lot and participate in forums like I am now. So I was wondering if any of you can recommend a good overall...
  14. alex_ethridge


    Hey everyone! Okay....I'm 25 yo and have been running a successful photography business for a year and 6 mo now. I'm located in south Alabama, so Hey Y'all!! Ha! I have really dove off into newborn sessions, specifically, as they are my favorite. There's a couple things I would like you...
  15. alex_ethridge

    Newborn Photography Update for beginner

    Hey everyone!! I have been away for quite some time buuuuuuut I have learned SO much in the year and some months doing photography that I had to share. Several of you have seen my desperate out-cries in the past begging for some kind of direction. Looking back the other day, I realized just how...
  16. P

    50mm or 24mm prime lens??

    im new to photography and have heard these “nifty fifty” lenses are great for portraits and as a regular go to lens. I want to take pictures of my infant son and am trying to find a good one and am torn between these two.. I have a canon sL2 and have the kit lens as well as a 18-250mm.. I know...
  17. A

    Help Me Please

    Currently i am using a nikon 3200d with 18-55mm kit lens. With only the camera i want to photograph a wedding for learning. I have nothing else without the camera. So help me how i can get better photos with my small gear
  18. Orangeray

    Night Photography

    Hey everyone Yesterday I tried my luck with Night Photography. I think it's not a bad start but there's still a lot to improve. The goal was to take a Timelapse over the span of 2-3 hours. I couldn't find anything to put in the foreground of the composition because the Light Pollution was way...
  19. O

    Wide-Angle Lens for Nikon?

    Hi again, After studying and reading a lot about DSLR's and lenses, I've finally come to conclusion to buy Sigma 10-20mm 1:4-5.6 EX DC HSM for my Nikon D3200. I'm planning a trip to Europe and have a Nikon D3200 with 18-55mm kit lens. I know its great for landscapes but I do not want to be...
  20. LouisRG

    I have no idea what I'm doing...

    I recently started photography as a hobby - well, I would have had I been able to take acceptable photos. I've recently inherited an Olympus E-300 with 2 lenses: Olympus Zuiko Digital 14-45mm, and a 70-300mm one which I've been told is capable of 600x zoom. As a novice, all this kit sat in my...
  21. M

    Choice of camera: beginner

    Im new to photographing and i wonder what camera i should choose as a starting camera. the price has to be around 750$. Im interested in nature photography, and are going to use it in bad weather. I also want a camera that is good to make films.
  22. Sportsax

    Ignorance is bliss I guess

    Spider Web Got me a wild hair to do photography. I do everything to the max so I picked up some junk lots off Ebay. Couple boxes of cameras, flashes, and such that folks were unloading. Multiple old cameras and lens mostly that nobody cares that much about. Heck, even all the darkroom gear...
  23. Traveltom2406

    First astrophotography attempt!

    hello everyone! This is my first time using a forum so bear with me :) I went to blue ridge observatory and star park last night to try Astrophotography for the first time. I’m also a complete beginner and new to photography. I was wondering if anyone could give me feedback and tips on how to...
  24. A

    Alex - photo critique wanted!

    1) all aboard by Alexandru Mihai Popescu, on Flickr 2) old age by Alexandru Mihai Popescu, on Flickr 1) Shot with Olympus VG-110 on auto mode, in a sunny winter day - late morning. I wanted to capture the moment when the railroad worker gives the "ok" for the train to leave the station. I...
  25. textures4photoshop

    How was your photographer journey from beginner to pro?

    I've recently published an article after consulting with multiple pro photographers and would love to get your feedback about the tips in this article: A Photographer’s Journey Is Never Over Knowing the Rules and When to Break Them In Sports Photography Shoot at 1/500th sec or Faster The...
  26. textures4photoshop

    What was the one photography tip you learned after which you no longer felt like a beginner?

    Hi guys, I've written an article called "A Photographer Journey From Beginner to Pro. Rules and Tips From Pros" (don't want to post the link here since this is my first post on the forum). I'm curious to find out what was for you the thing that you learned that made you say "From now on I'm...
  27. G

    Pro photographer with iPhone vs beginner with expensive DSLR

    This might seem like a dumb question, but as a beginner, do you think gear is more important? Do you think expensive gear makes a difference to a beginner photographer? I'm asking because I came across this video on YouTube this morning. I thought it made a strong point about the gear we use...
  28. N

    【Help】I'm designer but newbie in photography, Need Help for buying a Camera.

    Hi guys, Recently I’m ready to buy a camera before I always use iPhone to taken photos, that’s okay but I want to start a series career you know, go art direction, street shoot, fashion series etc. I’m a designer, basically, I’m a newbie in the photography field. So I’m indeed a bit...
  29. O

    Great tips for beginneers' that we all can use

    Found an article that if you are struggling with your photography will help. It has great tips with real photo examples to illustrate the technique for those of us who need visual learning. I like the visualizing tip. Edit: *Please don't link to articles outside the forum. You may post...
  30. angelusagendi

    1 strobe and one modifier under 300$ for the beginner.

    Hello everyone, Finally I am going to purchase one light with a modifier this week. Thank you for all your suggestions. So I want to buy one strobe light, strong enough to do a portrait beginner photoshoot at my home. And I prefer softbox over umbrella as light modifier. You suggested some...
  31. C

    Manual Bracketing

    Hey guys, I have watched so many YouTube videos and read so many webpages on bracketing but they all seem to suggest using the AEB function which my camera doesn't have. I have a few questions to make sure I'm doing it right. First of all, I'm using spot metering to select the exposure for the...
  32. Mchedgerphotography

    Photography- promoting

    Hey there everyone! So I have been dabbling in photography and now that I have everything together I’m looking to actually make it into a business! Now, I need some help with the marketing aspect because I get TONS of hits VIA Facebook, craigslist but most of them fall through! I don’t post a...
  33. G

    Best Camera for Beginner

    So I've always been fascinated with photography and pictures but I've only ever been able to take pictures on my iphone lmao... I've finally saved up for a camera but I honestly know nothing about photography but I want to learn a lot and eventually take it very seriously. What is a good camera...
  34. K

    New To Photography C&C Welcome

    Hey guys! I took this photo today.I used IPhone. Would like get your critiques :) I think of shooting one pic everyday for a year.
  35. M

    Camera for beginner - budget 1500€

    Hi guys, I'm Max, I'd like to buy a new camera, I'm a bit lost between brands and types (DSLR vs mirrorless). I was first looking for Canon, like the 80D or something like that, but looking around on internet I saw a lot of people talking about how they switch from Canon to Sony mirrorless...
  36. S

    HELP A NOOB TODAY! Low Budget/ Big Plans

    Hello there Photo Forum community, As my title suggests and my name as well, I am a big big noob... I have a really small budget as I am saving up to move to Iceland and then Cambodia. Long story! As you can imagine, I have to take pictures at these places... I mean they are renowned for...
  37. J

    Which Camera to buy?

    Im a beginner photographer take all my photos on a iPhone 6s and I'm looking to get a dedicated camera. I'm looking for a great beginner/long term camera that can take amazing pictures with ease and 4K video (for Mini movies). Does anyone have any ideas (price range: $500-$700
  38. J

    I've decided to start doing stock photography.

    Here's the link to my stock photography page, as I'm not sure if it's good or not.
  39. B

    Just a beginner's thread

    I started to get interest on taking photos.. Here's a sample of my photo If you have tips or recommendations for improving my images feel free to comment
  40. TheoHusky

    lenses for taking photos of aquarium life

    Hey, friends! I've renewed my aquarium and as I have exotic fish I want to take some photos. So I need your advice about telephoto lenses. I'm thinking about Sigma 70-300 AF for EF but maybe there's something better? What do you think?
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