
  1. Vieri

    Two stormy images of Durdle Door, Dorset

    Dorset, in the UK, is one of my favourite destinations. Durdle Door's sea arch is probably the most photographed landmark in Dorset, and for good reasons - it is truly remarkable. Here two different compositions of this iconic location. Stormy weather over Durdle Door. ⁠12 seconds, Leica S...
  2. Vieri

    Castro de Las Gaviotas at sunrise

    Looking like a pair of giant legs, Castro de Las Gaviotas is a truly imposing and impressive sea arch. 25 seconds of exposure at sunrise with my Hasselblad X1D, Hasselblad XCD 30mm and Formatt-Hitech Firecrest Ultra filters. I can't wait for us all to be able to travel again freely, and to go...
  3. Vieri

    Sunset at Playa de Portizuelo, Asturias

    Sunset at Playa de Portizuelo, in Asturias. To get that close to the arch with the right amount of water, you need to wade a bit in the ocean timing your visit when the tide is just about right around sunset :) Hasselblad X1D, Hasselblad XCD 30mm, and my beloved Formatt-Hitech Firecrest Ultra...
  4. Vieri

    Double cave & arch at Campiecho, Spain

    It takes wading in the ocean, water nearly chest high, to get to the Arch at Playa de Campiecho with high enough tide for the cave to be filled with water. Once you get there, however, the feeling and the view are simply amazing! Taken at sunset in 2017 with Leica SL, Voigtlander 15mm and...
  5. Vieri

    Sunset at As Catedrais, Galicia

    Sunset at the amazing Playa As Catedrais, in Galicia (Spain), a spectacular beach revealing itself only at low tide. A 200-seconds long exposure taken with a Pentax 645z, Pentax 28-45mm & filters Formatt-Hitech Firecrest a few years back. Thank you for viewing, best regards Vieri
  6. Vieri

    Gatklettur under the storm, Iceland

    Iceland's basaltic rocks, shaped by the power of the weather, feature incredible shapes: this is Gatklettur under the storm, a black & white image created in Iceland in February 2018. Leica SL, Voigtlander 15mm and Formatt-Hitech Firecrest Ultra filters. Thank you for viewing, best regards Vieri
  7. Vieri

    Durdle Door, doubled

    The amazing Durdle Door at sunset, taken in Dorset (UK) last February. Leica SL, Leica Vario-Elmarit-SL 24-90mm and filters Formatt-Hitech Firecrest Ultra. Thank you for viewing, best regards Vieri
  8. Vieri

    The Arch at Gatklettur, Iceland

    Today, something from Iceland: The Arch at Gatklettur, here portrayed at sunrise last December, is one of the lesser known - but not less amazing - beautiful landscapes of Iceland. With the Leica SL, Voigtlander 15mm and Formatt-Hitech Firecrest Ultra filters. Thank you for viewing, best...
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