aerial photography


    Recent Travel Aerial Shots: Iceland, Nova Scotia, Maine [8 Pics]

    1. Viking Sword Road, on the Snaefellsnes Peninsula Iceland 2022 Panoramas by Jono Kenyon, on Flickr 2. Krýsuvíkurkirkja, on the Reykjanes Peninsula Iceland 2022 Panoramas by Jono Kenyon, on Flickr 3. Kirkjufell Iceland 2022 Panoramas by Jono Kenyon, on Flickr 4. Krýsuvík Geothermal Area...

    Early Summer Storm

    Been doing a lot of these panoramas lately, this is from a shakedown test with the new Mavic 3. A storm moving in from the Dulles area, as seen from West Fairfax. I was tickled to see it made the evening news. Summer Storm from The West by Jono Kenyon, on Flickr Featured on WUSA9 Evening...
  3. KAP Jasa

    An article on kite aerial photography

    There is an article on Medium I'd like to share with you: "A View from a kite". It's about the hows and whys about kite aerial photography; how it compares with drones and other aerial photography platforms, some experience, info and tips. Hope you find it interesting ... ;-)
  4. W

    Aerial Photography?

    anybody doing this or just recently started and if so hows the market is it competitive? Hard to get into or do you receive a lot of requests for this? Should it be something I should focus more on?
  5. footballfan993

    Thinking of getting a drone, but not sure yet...

    As many of you know, drones are going to be a big seller this holiday season!!! I have seen some video, and pictures shot from a drone, and they look amazing! Because of the amazing capabilities of aerial photography, I am interested in purchasing a drone. I'm really only interested in 2...
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