Which NIKON camera to buy?


TPF Noob!
Oct 20, 2011
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Originally I had my mind set in the canon 7d camera now I'm not so sure. If you had to recommend a dslr for pic taking of children and families which one and what multi purpose lens would you choose?
D7000 and dont look back
Nikon D90, 18-105, and an SB600.

Much cheaper than Derrel's kit, a lot more flexible, and much better results out of the gate.

Now, if you would give a budget, we might be able to fine tune our suggestions...
My budget max is $2000 for the camera body and lenses.
If you're not opposed to used, there is a pretty good deal on a D7000, lens, flash, cards, etc... over at the buy/sell section.

Would leave you enough money for a general purpose lens, like the 18-105, or you could play with the 85 1.8 for a while, and if you don't like it, sell it and get the 16-85.

Personally, I would still go with the D90 and save a bit of cash for when I knew exactly what I wanted to upgrade, but you really can't go wrong in either case.
My friend has the d90 and likes it. She just recently upgraded to the NIKON d3s I believe. She is a photographer who mainly specializes in family and kids photos. This is what I would like to eventually do. So I'm thinking the d90 may be a good stepping stone until I can get comfortable and good at this. What lens is suggested for taking full body and facial portraits in natural light for the d90 then?
My friend has the d90 and likes it. She just recently upgraded to the NIKON d3s I believe. She is a photographer who mainly specializes in family and kids photos. This is what I would like to eventually do. So I'm thinking the d90 may be a good stepping stone until I can get comfortable and good at this. What lens is suggested for taking full body and facial portraits in natural light for the d90 then?

Whoa. From a D90 to a D3s? That's quite a jump. Personally, if I had that budget and I wanted to do portraits, I'd get a used D90 and used Nikon 28-70 2.8 or 35-70 2.8. Both of which will work on FX as well.
Whoa. From a D90 to a D3s? That's quite a jump.

Not really. She's a photographer specializing in family and kids and she may be earning some dosh doing it. She upgraded from a pretty decent dx body to a good full frame body, and since she could afford it, I think it is a natural and sensible upgrade.
Middle of the Line DX to Top of the Line FX is a helluva jump. Great for her she could afford it. If I wasn't married, I'd be pimping one as well :D
The D3s isn't top-of-the-line, though it's close. The D3x is the top-of-the-line, and is for doing portrait work.

The D3s is primarily intended for shooting action sports. No doubt, the D3s can also shoot portraiture.

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