Where do you find high quality digital backgrounds


TPF Noob!
May 12, 2020
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Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
I'm looking to start doing some work with compositing, but Google Images doesn't tend to help me find CC backgrounds that I can actually use.
I'm curious if anyone knows of a good spot? I don't necessarily mean just for pattern and color digital backdrops, but maybe some more abstract ones as well?
Search for wallpapers.
When I'm out and about I look for interesting walls and hedges as well as park lawns and such. Take photos and use them for backgrounds. No worry about copywrites and such....................
Hello and welcome, denny has a good idea. But I just use software now.....
A newly introduced diet supplement we are about to review is specially created to assist people who couldn’t lose their weight to fix those troubles. While any other formula tries to impact one’s metabolism through additional nutrition corrections, Everlean targets directly the cause of the trouble. What is that? It is the one’s gut microflora. In other words, bacteria “living” inside one’s stomach and intestine. The solution offers the approach nobody used before to fix the common trouble. That is why, it is critical to review it and explain everything a client needs to find out before buying Everlean Review: Does the Probiotic Work? | What Rose Knows
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