What Flower is this??


TPF Noob!
Aug 14, 2005
Reaction score
Dream Land
I don't know what it's called, but that's the clover flower I -believe-. Or did you mean the yellow and brown thing with wings? If so, that would be the "bad stingy flower" :) j/k

I have those damned clover flowers all over my lawn... or I did, before I set fire to the #)$(@)#($ things. :)
jesusloving said:
haha...u set fire to those flowers~~
aren't they what u want

<offtopic><rant>Not unless you want a lawn full of clover and bees!</rant></offtopic> :)
<equallyofftopic> We decided to get a seed-mixture so we would deliberately not have just green blades but all sorts of grass (and other green) plants grow in our garden and there are some very interesting little flowers hidden in our lawn at time, which I like ;) </equallyofftopic>

This is clover, that much is for sure.
And I like clover and the fact that it attracts the bees.
Clover, as far as I remember, is not among the various green things that make our lawn, though.
I grew up with that flower...clover all through our grass in New Zealand...here in Western Australia for some reason they treat it as an obnoxious weed...never see it. I think the bee makes the shot. Can relate to the pics, I was lying down taking pics of flowers last weekend. When I finally get a scanner, I'll start posting.
I believe that's Dutch Clover or Dutch White Clover and at least the ones I've seen are very low growing, often in lawns.

I believe the two to four foot tall yellow clover is what most honey is made from. Sometimes in Colorado I have passed by entire mountainsides covered with blooming yellow clover and the air smells exactly like clover honey.

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