Two nuggets


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Dec 13, 2011
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Last week, I was roaming in a local yard sale when I saw on a table two folding cameras, in closed position.
I slightly opened them and... waooh! rapidly closed them back.
Trying to hide my excitement I bargained during few seconds to obtain the lot for 40 euros (about 45 USD).
The two gems I got are as follows:

A Zeiss Ikon Super Ikonta C (531/2)
This coupled rangefinder camera from Germany is the 1949/1950 version fitted with a Compur Rapid shutter and a rare Tessar Opton lens.

Zeiss Ikon - Super Ikonta C (531-2) [678] small 001.jpg

A "Teleroy" from the French manufacturer Royer. Produced at the same period of time as the Zeiss.
It is also of the coupled rangefinder type. Fitted with a nice SOM Berthiot Flor treated lens and characterized by its yellow tinted rangefinder lens.

Royer Sito - Teleroy [679] small 001.jpg

I already had a Teleroy camera in my collection but with the distance numbers engraved in feet on the lens. Some evidence that Royer was trying to export at the time.

Royer Sito - Teleroy [403] small 003.jpg
They both look very clean, especially the Super Ikonta. I see that Tessar lens!

Nice score.
Thief! So jealous, although I have all Zeiss SuperIkontas, the Frenchie camera is a gem!
Stop making me drool on my keyboard.

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