The Vines Win in the End


Been spending a lot of time on here!
Nov 27, 2011
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St. Louis
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Out walking yesterday and grabbed a snap of clematis vines beginning to devour an abandoned truck. Fuji XT-2 w/18-55mm

They always do. Interesting shot.
Love it! The truck has lots of character - color and rust look great under the creeping vines.
Love it! The truck has lots of character - color and rust look great under the creeping vines.
Thanks. Wild clematis is the absolute worst right behind bleepin' morning glories. I can only manage a temporary stalemate until I finally breakdown like that truck and then it'll get me too.
Yes, they do! I'm battling a wild grape on the corner of the house, and it just won't go away. I'm opposed to the use of herbicides, so I guess it will eventually win.
Yes, they do! I'm battling a wild grape on the corner of the house, and it just won't go away. I'm opposed to the use of herbicides, so I guess it will eventually win.
Same here -- no poisons is the rule. So it's pull them up or when possible dig them out, but they're too smart for that. Notice how they always seem to grow right under the fence so you can't dig them out?

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