The Triangulum Galaxy


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Jun 4, 2010
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Wisconsin, United States
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The Triangulum Galaxy! Imaged last night from my Bortle 5/6 back yard. The Triangulum Galaxy resides about 3 million light years from Earth. The red and pink blotches are individual nebulae which reside within the Triangulum Galaxy.

-Celestron AVX mount
-Astro-Tech AT130EDT 130mm f/7 telescope with a 0.8x reducer, making it a 728mm focal length, f/5.6 scope.
-ZWO ASI2600MC Pro cooled camera
-ZWO EAF focuser
-Optolong L-Pro light polution filter
-Pegasus Astro Mini Powerbox
-Orion 60mm guide scope
-Orion Starshoot autoguider
-Controlled with a MeLE Quieter3Q mini PC running Windows

-Sequence Generator Pro for acquisition
-PixInsight and Photoshop for image processing
-PHD2 guiding software

-55 x 180sec subexposures
-calibrated with 15 each darks, flats, and dark flats
-Total integration time of 2.75hrs

M33 Triangulum Galaxy 9 September 2023.jpg

And as always, the imaging setup for reference
Isn't it incredible what's out there, when we have the tools and skills to reveal them? Great work.
An amazing image! I am blown away by the quality of your setup. This is a beautiful galaxy!
Isn't it incredible what's out there, when we have the tools and skills to reveal them? Great work.
It certainly puts our place in the universe into perspective!
An amazing image! I am blown away by the quality of your setup. This is a beautiful galaxy!
Thanks! It's taken me a while to finally work all the bugs out and have a good running setup, but it's been worth the work!
Most Excellent !! Is that your camera strapped to the top of the Tele? 😲
Most Excellent !! Is that your camera strapped to the top of the Tele? 😲
Thanks! There are two cameras on it. The Red cylinder at the back is the main camera, a dedicated, cooled astronomy camera, and the second camera is at the back of the smaller scope on top. That is known as a guide camera, which works independently of the main camera and scope to help accurately guide the mount for long exposures with accurate tracking.

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