Sony alpha DSLR flash solutions


TPF Noob!
Jan 7, 2013
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Fayetteville NC
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Does anyone know of any compatibility issues with Sony alpha 300 and external flashes? I have a Quantaray PZ-1 DSZ that I bought a while back when I had a Canon EOS Rebel SLR. I have recently bought a hot shoe adaptor for the camera off their website. The flash has a 5 pin connector at the base, presumably for the old standard shoe. I was wondering if using this flash and a hot shoe adaptor is going to cause any problems for my camera. And is it possible to use this flash in an external flash set up? The folks at Sony were not very helpful as far as compatibility questions. And can anyone also tell me what's a good off camera flash to use?
You should be able to get a sync cord and use it off camera. If you bought a sony flash you could use it wirelessly.

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