Software for Drone Photo/Video


TPF Noob!
Aug 2, 2023
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New Jersey
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
Hello all! I am new here! My name is Andrew and I am from Central NJ.

I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions on video editing software.... specifically for drone video.
I have a DJI Mini 3 Pro drone. One of the good things about it is that the gimble can turn to take 4k photo/video in portrait/vertical mode for social media/phone purposes.

One issue I run into: I import the vertical video to iMovie but that software doesn't have the ability to edit video in that perspective. It is in full widescreen and then when I transfer it to my phone, I crop it to fill the screen at the cost of quality and sharpness.

Does anyone know of a video editing software that can edit 4k vertical video? Thanks so much in advance.

I am also looking for a software that would make sense for a specific need.

I am going to be going on a hike and recording video with the following: DJI Mini 3 Drone, DJI Pocket 2 camera, GoPro Hero 10, iPhone 13ProMax, Nikon D7500 camera.

Is there software that would easily apply settings/filters to the whole project so when the scenes change it's not overly obvious that they are from different cameras (if everything is at 4k60 or 4k30).

I am somewhat of a beginner with video editing so I really appreciate any advice or suggestions. Thanks!
I think Adobe Premier Pro should cover your needs
For editing 4K vertical video from your DJI Mini 3 Pro, you might want to consider Adobe Premiere Pro. It's professional-grade software that should handle vertical video editing smoothly. Don't worry if you're somewhat of a beginner – there are plenty of tutorials out there to help you get started with Premiere Pro. And you'll quickly pick up the skills you need. Also, there are other online software that you might want to try. Here's a link to check out some professional video editing software options:
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Editing drone video isn't much different from editing any other video. It may, in some cases, be simpler.

Adobe Premier Pro has been mentioned.
If you're in the macOS world, Final Cut Pro. I cut all my video in FCP, drone or anything else. But then, I've only been using FCP since 2002. I've also used Premier.

But also, very simply, DJI makes LightCut, specifically for editing videos originated on DJI devices.

But a few considerations too:

1. An editing system is really more than just the app or software, it's the hardwared (and graphics engine), the app and system's ability to deal with the specific video codec, and the cameras themselves.

2. Each DJI device uses a slightly different codec. Some play better than others with editing software. For example, the mp4 codec used with the Mini 3 Pro drone at 4K is a bit unfriendly with slightly older macOS hardware. Yet the 4K codec on the new Mavic 3 Pro plays smoothly with the same hardware. And the Action 2 cameras codecs are different again.

3. Don't underestimate the need for high graphics processing power. If you shoot in any of the DLog or CineLike profiles, every clip will require grading. If it takes 10 minutes to grade a 5 minute clip....yeah. not fast.

Which is all why you migth try LightCut. At least it knows it's own codecs.
I use Adobe Premiere Elements. It's a one-time purchase charge. No monthly subscription charge like Premiere Pro. Check out my YouTube links below. The second link check out Regency Mens Club at Middlesex Fire Academy where I conbined short video clips with stills into a video and added music. You can also get Photoshop Elements which is Adobe's companion still editing program if you're interested. They have a reduced price if you get both at the same time.
By the way. Premiere Elements has beginner, intermediate and expert editing to make editing easier if you're learning. You can use their automatic production setups that combine music and fancy stuff without having to do much yourself. I believe they have a month tryout period but not sure. I haven't tried out vertical videos clips but Premiere Elements probably handles it. They handle 4K which I've even downloaded to YouTube. See Monmouth Battlefield on the YouTube link #2. Editing can get complicated. I've been through that. Try to keep it simple in the beginning. Premiere Elements does that for you. Also, welcome to the forum. I'm from central NJ also.

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