portrait (train wreck )


TPF Noob!
Jan 20, 2008
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Cincinnati area
Can others edit my Photos
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This is an 1864 tintype of my wifes great great grandmother, scanned. It is scratched, intentionally engraved, stained, and basically trashed. Anyone want to try a reconstruction of this proper New England lady?

eh.... im not sure if i like how this turned out, but ill throw it up anyways

I should be able to patch it up but won't be able to get to it until this evening.
Okay, after a little initial work, I am here:

The hair is going to be the most challenging part. And then I'll have to go back and repair/smooth out the rest. But it's do-able. I'll post another when I get some more done.

That is very wonderful. If i sent you a higher rez pic could you do your magic? Before you go any further, i mean. i would love a copy high rez to make a 5 x 7 from.. will you share your technique, or is it proprietary?

Ok, about 5 minutes worth of work in Capture NX and Photoshop, more to come later, I was just doing this in my morning coffee break.

I can get it much better later.


Anybody can feel free to steal this copy and improve on it if you like.
I popped up the contrast which added the visualness of the scratches, I will fix that later. Also, I will "de-whiteline" it and clean up the skin tones, plus drop the background to a much darker black.

That is very wonderful. If i sent you a higher rez pic could you do your magic? Before you go any further, i mean. i would love a copy high rez to make a 5 x 7 from.. will you share your technique, or is it proprietary?


I'm more than happy to share my technique, and to work on a high res copy. I'll most more later. You can send it via PM.
Having done more than a few restoration of tintypes, may I suggest that you might be better off copying the original with a digital camera, using good cross-lighting, instead of scanning it.
Scanning emphasizes all the flaws and stains, and creates a lot more problems than you need for a project this tricky.
Sandspur, thank you, i will shoot the original s you suggest. ken

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