Penguin Win Situations


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Nov 20, 2005
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Belgium / Brussels
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Penguin Win Situations by Bulevardi, on Flickr

Hi folks 🐧
So a new song is out there!

While I was waiting for a new guitar that I ordered a long time ago, I thought to spent my time learning new synths... (I'm still a n00b in that field).
I first planned to make a song using the übercool LMMS only, but quickly switched to Reaper DAW (what else...) running on Linux.
I had a computer crash, tech and other problems and finally I didn't create the kind of song as I planned (as usual).
Near the end I couldn't resist to add a line with my old guitar, the urge was too big.

I hope you like the different parts of it. Find the whole song via your fav streaming platform & feel free to share it and add it to your playlist!
FYI, this time I used the free open source, cross-platform Odin2 synth from The Wave Warden and of course Hive from U-He (that goes without saying...)
Guitar FX are also fully open source with Mod Duo from Mod Audio

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