Nice Write Up

I've become so familiar with my K1Mii, that it's almost like an extension of my hand. The layout of dials and buttons just seems to fall under the right fingers, making it easy to adjust on the fly.

One thing not mentioned as a con. If you're in live view and manual mode it stops down to aperture setting. So in studio if you want to manual focus you have to rotate one click from manual to bulb then back to shoot. Or in auto focus use the view finder and half click. It's easy enough to work around but still it was flub by Pentax.

Couple of things I disagree with in the article. The earlier versions of LR produced some funky colors in pixel shift, but the later versions handle them just fine. As to ISO I'm getting much better results at higher levels. I can shoot up to 25,600 without an issue that can't be easily cleaned up in LR. At 51,200 I can still get a descent file and even at 102,400 I can get a useable image with a little editing. Some of that may be do to the fact that, when shooting high ISO I use a program mode that has High ISO Noise reduction, Highlight and Shadow correction activated.
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Pretty much confirms what I've found in real life use. Biggest problem for me is I get tunnel vision, and forget to use PS, as often as I should.
Haha I forget to use it with my KPs :048:
Eventually I'll sell a kidney and get a K1 and a couple of the new zooms
Dont have and currently couldn't afford.
but a "con" point that I find VERY helpful is weight!

The lightweight stuff makes me nervous because I forget its there.

But thats just me.

personally, I am surprised that Pentax finally came out with a FF.
@pez they've been running some good sales on the K1MII. I think they figure they'll get it back with more when you start buying FA glass. Many of the DA lenses work but there's a difference between a crop sensor and full frame lens.

@Soocom1 I don't find it overly heavy, it's well balanced plus Pentax did an excellent job on button layout and hand holds, everything fits the hands.
I have no plans of dumping my APSC gear because of the beneficial (to me) weight factor and efficient telephoto with fast frame rate, but I'll acquire a FF in the near future for sure. I do have some older FA, D/FA and 3rd party primes to get started with.

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