New challenge 11/4 - 11/10 Take Two!

OK, I'm giving it a try.
No processing outside what the iPhone does with every shot, whatever that is.

What I don't like about the initial shot - the orange does not seem to be centered on the plate, at this angle. There is a napkin in the top of the shot, as well as the edge of the round table. There isn't really anything I can do about the lighting, as this is in MLW's office, but it's fine for this exercise. I do, however like the general angle of the wood grain.

by Charlie Wrenn, on Flickr

Number two: That's much better. I re-positioned the plate and moved the napkin.

by Charlie Wrenn, on Flickr
View attachment 149265 Today as my son and I were walking back to the car after Sunday breakfast out. Big leaf maple leaf on sidewalk. First shot was a horizontal, second shot was made asView attachment 149264 a vertical. Uploaded to Facebook so that the files would be shrunk down, to get around TPF's new file size limitations. We both preferred the vertically framed shot.
I think a square (though it's processing) crop would work, as well.
Taken this morning. Digilux 1, f5.6, 1/90. WB: overcast/cloudy

I'm happier with the horizontal shot.

windows & tree v.jpg
windows & tree.jpg
Taken yesterday afternoon whilst walking the dog. This is part of the town wall in Friedberg, Bavaria. Digilux 1, WB: overcast/cloudy, f5.6, 1/45 (same settings for both).

In the top right corner of the vertical shot there's part of the frame for the nighttime illumination of the wall showing, even though I'd framed the shot without this in the viewfinder (not 100% accurate I guess). I like both shots otherwise but lean slightly more towards the horizontal shot, which I think has a more pleasing composition.

town wall.jpg
town wall h.jpg
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I've been neglecting this challenge this week due to other obligations but Today, I settle all family business!

First shot was trying to keep ISO low and was hand holding so couldn't decrease shutter speed too much:

Fuji XT2 and 60mm @ f/5.6, ss 1/250, ISO 2000

Too dark. Bumped ISO up to 5000 to show the inside of the head.

It's not sharp enough. I'm going to try this again with my tripod, and maybe a focus stack.
One more set since I missed 3 or 4 days this week:

This one I didn't want to overdo it with with the b right background because sometimes with the yellows that makes them look too neon. I wanted everything in focus so went with f/11, ss 1/125, ISO 6400

Definitely not what I was going for. The flower was too dark and dull looking. I opened the lens up a bit to f/8. Final result is still just a bit too bright. The petals in the back have that blown out neon look I was trying to avoid.

XT2, Tair 11A 135 f/2.8. Manual focus. I love how this lens renders, not a fan of the upload destroying how nice it really is. Thanks @pixmedic.

1. Shot in STD simulation mode. F2.8, 1/160s, ISO 400. Single point, spot meter.

2. Shot in Velvia simulation mode. F2.8, 1/350s, ISO 400, spot meter, single point.
Digilux 1, WB: overcast/cloudy, f5.6, 1/45

With these two I like the first shot more than the second. With more of the path and the small white fence on view and the steamroller taking up less of the frame there's a better sense of the scale of the work being carried out, I think.


Shortly after the second shot was taken the driver turned the steamroller around and came back in the other direction. I took a third shot which is very similar in framing to the second, again with him looking down but now with his face to the camera: as a pair they look quite good but they weren't the first two!

I ended up enjoying this exercise more than I thought I would when it was announced. Usually my camera is in A priority mode and putting it in M and thinking more about whether I wanted to take the metered reading or choose my own (or even get the old hand-held meter on the job) as well as thinking more about the WB, which otherwise is always set to auto, has been quite refreshing.

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