My wife Made me Laugh outloud...

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TPF Noob!
Dec 1, 2007
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I suggested to my wife yesterday that she pickup photography as a hobby so that her and I could spend more time together. Her response was: and I quote "why? I know how to take a picture." When I laughed she didn't understand why, so I asked her how it was then that I am able to get our kids in such good focus, but the things in the background out of focus? She said that I must have done it in photoshop. I love my wife to death, but she is so naive.
Ya, there are those who "get it", and those who dont, lol. Good story.
Yeah, I get that form my beautiful wife all the time. When I ask her then if she wants to get away for a while with the cameras it's usually something along the lines of 'You waste too much time on your camera. I just wanna take pictures.' And then she won't go.

I'm working on her. At least she has an EOS 630. Go FILM!
hehehe... Yeah. I am trying to get my mother into photography. I gave her my D50 and a couple of lenses and she doesn't get that there is a difference in lenses. So, I walked her through a couple of shots. She saw that there is a difference but it will take a while until she understands it.

Also, JimmyO, what kind of shades are those? :)
Hahaha - that's funny. Those are the best times - lol!
It isn't just women;)

My boyfriend is more into the P&S style of photography at pres - I'll muck around doing long exposures etc, shallow DOF's etc. When we had the sensor dust which was only showing up at about F11+ he was like we'll its not bothering me so why worry about it etc (yes true cause you use auto and normal pics were fine) . He keeps saying he wants me to show him how to do more with the canon - everytime I try to explain something to him he isn't interested in what I'm saying.
I say don't bother trying to share a hobby that the other person has lack of interest.. just go do it for you... and enjoy this gift..
We'll let the 14 year old thread go back to sleep.
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