My first attempts at professional work - live music


TPF Noob!
Aug 17, 2014
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United Kingdom
Can others edit my Photos
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Hi all,

Wanted to post a couple of shots from a music festival I was recently asked to photograph (Fat Out Festival in Salford, UK, April 2017).
This is the first job of any kind I've done which was equal parts: scary, exciting, tiring, fun, eye-opening!

These are the first two I've processed but will likely come back to them again to re-edit.
Please let me have some (constructive!) critical feedback.
One note: the lighting was absolutely shocking (!) and I chose to use available light rather than flash.

I realise I have a lot to learn both technically (behind the camera and processing) but my open question to all is: is there any point in me carrying on trying to make a new career out of this?


Not bad! A festival or a rave are tough enough even if you have done it a few times. As a first gig, I am very impressed with how you did.
Thanks both, they're some pretty encouraging comments to start with!
I'll be posting some more over the coming days.

Word of advice from you, am I better off posting them in this thread or in a new thread?

Thanks again.
I would post them here.
Pretty good mostly. If these are your first, you're doing amazingly well.

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