Mamiya m645 shutter release question


TPF Noob!
Apr 4, 2019
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Hello fellows, I'm new here but have been playing with photography for many years. I just acquired a Mamiya m645 with an 80mm f/2.8 lens and was wondering about the shutter release function. When I have the lever turned to "multi" the winder and shutter fire just fine but when the lever is in the other position, ostensibly the single shot mode, the shutter release won't fire. There is no film in the camera and when opening the film door there doesn't seem to be anything there that would indicate film is required to get the shutter to release in the single frame mode. Am I missing something here or is my shutter not functioning in the single mode. Thanks for any response. Wolf-==-
Basically its designed not to fire unless there is film int he camera.
The Multi function is for multiple exp. and releases the lock.

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