Kayak Competitions At The Reno River Festival - My First Sports Shoot


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Feb 18, 2014
Reaction score
Reno, NV
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The River Festival was going on this weekend 2 blocks from my wifes work. Figured it was a good chance to break the wildlife routine for a change. Actually technically wise it was very similar, freezing the action and trying to catch "the moment". Weather and lighting were absolutely horrid. Temps in the 40's, thick storm clouds and hail. One good thing I noticed is cranking up the ISO is much more forgiving on large human subjects than small birds and such. Overall I think I did pretty well. C&C always appreciated!

162 by TheNevadanStig, on Flickr

349 by TheNevadanStig, on Flickr

358 by TheNevadanStig, on Flickr

419 by TheNevadanStig, on Flickr

445 by TheNevadanStig, on Flickr

561 by TheNevadanStig, on Flickr

577 by TheNevadanStig, on Flickr

168 by TheNevadanStig, on Flickr
These are fantastic images, and they're immensely entertaining. That water is probably miiiiiiiiiiiiiiighty cold. :lol:
Wonderful action shots. Very well done.
Great shots, dont get why would people put themselfs in harmsway willingly but thats besides the point.
Send these to the riders and I bet you there'd be more than a few requests for paid shoots in the future. Great shootin!
Send these to the riders and I bet you there'd be more than a few requests for paid shoots in the future. Great shootin!

I'm having trouble even figuring out who is who. There doesnt seem to be an official results site or page anywhere that I can find. For a pro tour it seems pretty unorganized to be honest. But thanks for the kind words!
The Stig has it going on. Nice work sir.
Thanks all! I've been able to ID two of the riders so I guess I'll go from there. Got a lot more pics today I will post up in a different thread when I'm done with them. Yesterday (this thread) was the freestyle tricks part, and was more impressive visually. Today was a couple forms of racing type stuff, so none of the crazy stunts, but I still think I did pretty well.
Excellent no doubt about.:thumbup::thumbup:

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