Identify this camera for curiosity?


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Jul 18, 2015
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This is my Grandmother. I was looking at her camera and curious about what it might be. Has a cold accessory shoe. looks like the shutter speed control might be on the lens mount, which made me think Oly. Any ideas? Thanks!

cam ID-2.jpg

cam ID-1.jpg
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I see a very obvious shutter speed dial right above the right index finger. I can even spot the 1/60 synch speed as the darker one.
I see a very obvious shutter speed dial right above the right index finger. I can even spot the 1/60 synch speed as the darker one.
haha yup. thanks
Yup, early Minolta SRT model. Cold shoe and prism cover geometry give it away. Still a sweet old "heavy metal" SLR in 2021.
MC Rokkor lens with chrome aperture ring.
Thanks guys. I should have recognized it, I've had a couple but only briefly.

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