How are Samsung point and shoots?


TPF Noob!
Jan 18, 2013
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Portland, Maine
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I'm wondering how the Samsung point and shoots are. I like the look of them and they seem to have pretty good zoom, which is what I'm looking for too. I want something preferably over 12x. What do the various numbers mean (Wb300, wb250f, etc)? Is the larger number generally better quality, etc?

Would there be any Samsung models better than the Canon sx280?

P.S. I really like the look and specs of the wb350f! Retro looking!
Firstly, I advise not making so many threads about ideal compacts! I've checked your profile and it's all value for money compacts, what to get, etc, maybe keep it in one thread!

Having owned a Samsung P+S when I first got into photography, I can say they're ideal. I owned the WB100 model which I thought was the bee's knees professional camera when I first bought it. Their P+Ss aren't gonna yield you very good bokeh/DoF but they're sharp enough for the average consumer. Meh, they're a good purchase, i s'pose!
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