Hi All - Ex keen amateur photographer heading back to film


Been spending a lot of time on here!
Jun 20, 2021
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Greetings fellow snappers - I used to own an Olympus OM-40 (purchased with my very first pay packet in 1986) and traveled the world with it in my youth getting some absolutely stunning pictures, loved that camera so much. Anyway eventually I settled down and got digital - the Olympus sat in its bag in the attic and eventually around 2005 I sold it, its 35-70mm f3.6 lens, filters, carry strap and bag - all mint for $50 or so on eBay...what a regret!

Fast forward to now and my old hobby interest has been reignited after reading how film photography is apparently enjoying a kind of revival. Eventually decided to go the whole bag and go fully manual looking for an OM-1 and snagged a great M-1 with the very rare M-System f1.2 55mm lens (radioactive apparently!), it even has the original carry strap and leather case all for a good price.

Having checked it over I was surprised to find out the battery diode alteration has already been done to allow it to use a standard modern 1,5v SR76 (checked the light meter readings against a phone app light meter), only thing I am waiting for now is new light seals to arrive from Amazon.

Looking forward to getting back into it, sharing info and experiences with you all and asking lots of questions on this forum!


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Awesome! I'm currently building a little OM collection based around my grandpa's omg. What a neat system and some great examples you have.
Nice - OMG was the american OM-20 I believe (?)

My Dad had an OM-10 until recently (he donated it to a charity shop) - I managed to stop him sending his Trip 35 and a couple of Mju's there as well on one of his clear outs!
Thanks - My old photos are unfortunately in a box in a lockup about 7,000 miles away where they have been for the last few years but next time I get to visit I will certainly be allocating some time to dig them out and get them scanned.
Meantime will have to make do with any half decent snaps I manage with here - plan on shooting the first roll today and fingers crossed my light seals are OK (I am too impatient to wait for the kit to arrive) :icon_thumbsup:
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