Expired Tri-X


TPF Noob!
Nov 21, 2017
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I just bought a battery for a camera that I have and it had a partially exposed roll of Tri-X in it. I know the film is expired by 3-4 or more years. Not kept in a fridge or freezer. It's rated at 400 ISO, but I was wondering how I should develop it. I'm sure I can't rate it at 400 anymore, can I? I'm not sure if this is a film or darkroom question. Please feel free to move it if need be.

I would shoot it as is and develop normally. Should be fine. Tri-X has a good bit of lattitude.
3-4 years? Unless it's been cooked, I'd soup it like normal.
I'd stand develop as well.
Develop normal or use Kodak X-Tol at 1:1 to cut down on any base fog.
I would just process as normal- this film isn't too far out of date. Also, I would advise against stand development for films that are well out of date. The big problem with outdated films is an increase in base fog. Stand development by its nature will increase base fog (or any subtle tones, which is why we like it with regular films.) I've been fine tuning development for old PXP. We have about 10 100' rolls at the college where I'm working that expired in the 1970's and '80s. The recipe I have been using is HC-110 1:31 with a little potassium bromide and a little more time than Kodak's published times and the results are pretty nice!

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