Correct Sync Cord for Morris AC Slave Specialist?


TPF Noob!
Feb 24, 2024
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Hello. First post so be gentle.

I picked up a couple of Morris Studio slaves for cheap. Love that they are portable. Both units are missing the sync cable and I'd like to have one just in case. Especially for some older film cameras.

I thought it was a regular Household to PC, but the female outlet on the unit has three slots. The center one looks like it can accept a blade or pin (see below). I spent several hours online last night trying to find a manual to confirm the correct cable. No dice.

Does the cord need the center blade or will a regular HH cord work fine? Could someone please fill me in or point me in the right direction for info?


Google? Good luck! Radio slaves are almost infinitely adaptable...and cheap!
Google? Good luck! Radio slaves are almost infinitely adaptable...and cheap!
Google was no help, but it turns out eBay was my friend. Looks like a regular household, some have a plastic post in the middle, but most just have two blades.

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