
TPF Noob!
Feb 1, 2012
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found this pic of my grandfather while he was in medical school, i just love it. I wanna blow it up and hang it on my wall lol

Edit: not sure if it belongs here just though i'd share :)
Is he the guy on the table?
no if your looking at the pic he is the one on the left of the skeleton
lol, it's like they've removed the skeleton from the body and now showing it with pride :D :thumbup:
lol, it's like they've removed the skeleton from the body and now showing it with pride :D :thumbup:

Drs and medical examiners have a very unique sense of humor.
That's great! Do you have more??
That guy on the table has some issues...just sayin
lol, it's like they've removed the skeleton from the body and now showing it with pride :D :thumbup:

Drs and medical examiners have a very unique sense of humor.

As do Firefighters, Police, EMT/Paramedics, etc. Anyone who deals with death on such a regular basis has to either develop the sick sense of humor to deal with the things they see, or else they won't last long in their chosen field before they burn out.

-- Coming from a full time EMT/Volunteer Firefighter... If I didn't have the twisted sense of humor, I'd be living in a padded room by now.
lol, it's like they've removed the skeleton from the body and now showing it with pride :D :thumbup:

Drs and medical examiners have a very unique sense of humor.

As do Firefighters, Police, EMT/Paramedics, etc. Anyone who deals with death on such a regular basis has to either develop the sick sense of humor to deal with the things they see, or else they won't last long in their chosen field before they burn out.

-- Coming from a full time EMT/Volunteer Firefighter... If I didn't have the twisted sense of humor, I'd be living in a padded room by now.
Add ER nurse to that list.
Wow that's... messed.

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