Anyone in San Fracisco?


Photo Hunter
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Jan 24, 2014
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Going to SF this July to do some photography. Any recommendations? Any meet ups?
S.F. a beautiful city. You could never run out of subjects. Depending on how much time you have and what subjects you like I might recommend spending a day going outside the city. North or South on highway 1 for some coastal landscapes.

I'm about 4 hours drive from SF. I'd certainly be interested in a meet up!
How much time do you have?
As Z42 said, LOTs to shoot.
You could spend a day just shooting China Town, another day along the bay, a day on Alcatraz, another day along the coast, a day in Golden Gate Park . . .

There is a guide book on photography in SF "Photographing San Francisco, Digital Field Guide." That would be a good start, as it would list a lot of locations all in one book. It has been quite a while since I thumbed through that book, so can't tell you about it.
I'll check out the book. I've been a few times before, but not photo trips.
Is this where the little cable cars go half way to the stars ?
I wandered past a karaoke bar, and heard "I Left My Heart in San Francisco" being sung in the smoothest deep voice, perfect pitch, with a subtle touch of vibrato.

When I looked inside it was a young man who didn't look old enough to be in a bar. Saggy shorts halfway to his ankles, sideways ball cap. Standing ovation from the house.

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