20101020 Toronto, Autumn


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Oct 21, 2016
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I should explain that for a while now I have been limiting my YouTube uploads to files that fit in two categories. Either a video is "new" or it is "better". The videos that are "new" can be new subject matter like topics, or equipment or techniques. The "better" videos are things I have done before but are noticeably better. For example, I have three or four more "fireworks" videos than I have posted, and they are somewhat better than what I have posted, but not so much better that most people would notice -- so I have not made them available.

This Fall video is a new topic (the Fall), and used new equipment (the 2nd video made with my Vanguard 204AP tripod, and the first where I used it as a tripod)), and also used a new technique, which was a manually set colour balance. For most videos I use Auto white balance and I fine tune the results where necessary. In this case, I wanted to emphasize the warm colours of the season, and decided to record the clips at 6600K. The results were ok, but I think mainly unnecessary. Only a couple of clips ended up looking "warmer" than normal. The rest were close to what "Auto" probably would have done.

The sound track was also partly experimental. I used a part of a popular song (IU's cover of "Autumn Morning"). If you have never used a popular song on YouTube, it can be risky. This is not usually a matter of "legality". YouTube has done a lot of work contracting with Copyrights organizations and automatic song finding programs. If you use most K-pop songs, for example, you will find that the owners of the songs have agreements in place and mostly you can use those songs without "objection". However, a specific block can still be placed. If that happens, your video will have the relevant sound portion removed. At that point you can file your own dispute and see what happens, or remove the video completely, and having done that, you can replace it with a video with some other music. If you do not do this often, then it is not "a big deal".

If you are interested in "monetizing", I'm not sure what happens. I know that the "owner" of the song can "monetize" your video, but I do not know what happens if you want to "monetize" it also. It might be possible to "split" the royalties. I have not "monetized" any of my videos, so for me it is an unexplored issue.

[2020-0306 16:10 replaced link to old version w/link to new version.]
"[UHD] 20191020 Toronto Autumn v1.2",
- posted Mar. 6, 2020 by "VidThreeNorth", [Length 2:37]
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This video has a couple of issues I think I should explain:

1. This video is the first that I have made that is "best" viewed on a large, high resolution monitor. My previous UHD videos, and particularly the "Cherry Blossoms" can be viewed all the way down to around 720. It look nice at higher res, and there is definitely more to see on a big screen, but I would not say it's "necessary". This video is really meant to be viewed on a screen large enough that you cannot see the edges. It is intended to be "immersive". In the middle section, there are a small group of squirrels dashing around. That was my point -- just relaxing and watching the squirrels. But on a 720 screen you will barely see them.

2. The other issue is the sound volume. I have been paying attention to sound lately. For this video, there are four sections. The first is the title, which is silent, then the second is about 1 minute of the song, then again, about a half minute is silent, and then for the last half minute, there is the sound of street traffic -- very quietly. The last section caused me problems because it is noisy "here", and there were times I could not hear the audio track. But I did not want it so loud that it became irritating. If you don't hear it, then the clip seems silent for the whole last minute, which is a bit long. But if you don't mind a long silence, then it isn't important. . . .

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