
  1. ndcisiv

    Aloha everyone

  2. danbob6


  3. D7K

    The Rila Valley

    So, I was working on this edit when I thought it was a nice idea to try this in Black and White for the challenge. It was quite well received but my main aim to to edit in full colour. So here it is in colour, which one do you prefer? D850 / 24mm / f16 / ISO31 / 1/40
  4. redbourn

    Color from reflector?

    I am pretty happy with this photo and it might be one of my best yet. There is a reflection on the left side of the plate from the table mat. I used two small reflectors to remove the shadows from under the plate. Not sure if there is a way to avoid that or if it's very important. What do...
  5. I

    Dark corners on rear LCD of Nikon D7000

    Hello all. I have just signed-up in this forum. I am in need of your help. I have a Nikon D7000 and I have been using it since 2012. Everything was working fine. Suddenly yesterday, I saw that the rear LCD is showing some dark shadows. All four corners have this dark shadow but the shadows on...
  6. redbourn

    second attempt at shooting straight down

    Rice is so problematic! It reflects light and can easily look like a blob. Not to bad this time but if I lighten it then in flares. Shadow on the right is a little harsh I think. Any comments on how to improve it would be very welcome. Baked Skinless Lemon Chicken Breasts Serves 4 Prep...
  7. Be Someone Photography

    Lightroom Concert Photography Tips

    Hey guys! Sorry if there's already a post about this, but I was wondering if there was anyone out there that edits concert photos regularly. If that's you then YAY! Do you have any tips/advice on lighting in concert photos? I know some people like their subjects dark and the lights really...
  8. Imagine


  9. Roadside Antiques Shop in Torrance Ontario

    Roadside Antiques Shop in Torrance Ontario

    A well used building now serves as a roadside antiques shop near Torrance Ontario. Brian Carson The Learning Curve Photography