
  1. nelson may

    correct curve for a 24" Lightbox cyc

    New here. Am I in the correct thread? I just built a Lightbox and am going to install my globes and diffusion. I want to make a cyc out of some oak veneer I have laying around. I want to make some ribs and glue the veneer to the ribs. This will also allow me to attach other surfaces if needed...
  2. nelson may

    What is a good cyc curve for a 24" Lightbox

    New here. Am I in the correct thread? I just built a Lightbox and am going to install my globes and diffusion. I want to make a cyc out of some oak veneer I have laying around. I want to make some ribs and glue the veneer to the ribs. This will also allow me to attach other surfaces if needed...